Kesäloma-ajelu välillä Puolanka-Karvia. Suunnitelmaan on poimittu kohteita reitin varrelta.
Lapsiperheen kesäajelu Pietarsaaresta Raumalle. Reitin varrelta on poimittu muutamia kohteita, joissa voisi olla kiinnostavaa pysähtyä. Mukana on useita lapsia viihdyttäviä kohteita.
Kiinnostavia kohteita ja hyviä ruoka-/kahvipaikkoja ajomatkalla Joroisista Tampereelle (tai päinvastoin). Suunnitelmaa/valikoimaa voi muokata Finterestissä.
Interesting and also weird places along the ride from Rauma to Tampere.
Reitin varrelta on poimittu muutamia lapsiperhettä mahdollisesti kiinnostavia paikkoja
Trip with the most interesting places in the city. Turku, Finland's oldest city, is a place of art, history and culture believed to have been established in 1229.
Route with the best places to visit in Helsinki. It should fill al yourl weekend with attractions.
Just feel the spirit of the city and meet Santa Claus. If you will be lucky you may see northern lights or experience polar day. If you like being active you should check Ounasvaara hill. You can hike there in summer or try skiing during winter.
Route with the most interesting sites in Espoo
Turku on kiva kaupunki, varsinkin kesällä. Turussa voi viettää rauhallista, aktiivista tai erittäin railakasta lomaa. Turun sydän on tietenkin jokiranta, josta löytyy lukuisia ravintolalaivoja. Myös Muumimaailma löytyy Turun naapurista, Naantalista. Matkalla Naantaliin on myös Varsinais-Suomen suurin kauppakeskus, Raision Mylly. Mutta miten itse viettäisin viikonlopun Turussa yöelämän lisäksi? Tuomiokirkko on nähtävyys, ja se kannattaa tsekata vaikka vain ulkoapäin. Kirkon portailla saa vaikka hienot selfiet. Jos olet kiinnostunut merellisistä asioista, niin matkalle Turun Linnaan kannattaa poiketa myös Forum Mariumissa. Ja jos sää sallii, Ruissalo on hyvä paikka ulkoiluun, grillaamiseen, uimiseen, minigolffiin tai vaikka leiriytymiseen. Ruissalossa on myös Saarronniemen uimarannan lisäksi koirille oma uimaranta, jossa koirat saa uida ilman hihnaa. Paluumatkalla kannattaa käydä katsomassa Gaian silmää, ei tiedä vaikka saisit yliluonnolisia voimia. Sitten eväät mukaan ja Vartiovuorelle nauttimaan auringosta, tai jos yöaikaan niin tietenkin tähtiä tähtitornista. Seuraavana päivänä päivä voi alkaa urheilemalla Luolavuoren tenniskentällä, Impivaarassa minigolffin parista ja vielä lopuksi Urheilupuistoon ottamaan hikeä frisbeegolffin parissa. Ja koska päivä alkoi liikkumisella, niin vielä Kiipeilypalatsiin kiipeämään seinää pitkin ylös. JokiRaitissa näet Turun Aurajokea ja pääset hieman rauhoittumaan. Matkalla on paljon istumapaikkoja, ja tänne voi ottaa myös vaikka koiran mukaan. Kun ilta lähenee, ja matkaat Hotelli Caribian kylpylään lillumaan ja nauttimaan elämästä, Caribian edustalla löytyy Turun omituisin "taideteos", Posankka. Tämä jättimäinen, vaaleanpunainen possun ja ankan sekoitus tervehtii myös kaikkia Helsingistä päin tulevia. Tälläainen Turku.
Kanta-Hämeessä on upeita kirkkoja
You can edit this plan in Finterest
Omalta reissulta koottuja kiinnostavia kohteita Kuusamosta Helsinkiin. Tämän pohjalta voi tuunailla oman aktiivisen lomareissun.
Tampereella on niin paljon kiinnostavaa tekemistä ja nähtävää, että ohjelmaa on helppo suunnitella omien kiinnostustensa perusteella. Tähän suunnitelmaan on poimittu kiinnostavia paikkoja kaupungin keskustasta. Kohteita on niin paljon, että suunnitelman mukaista tekemistä riittää vähintään kahdeksi päiväksi, esim. tosi aktiiviseksi matkailuviikonlopuksi.
Collection of amusement and adventure parks in the summer 2017
<< 戻るNotice (8): Undefined index: about_jp [APP/View/Pages/home.ctp, line 690]Code Context$lang_proj = 'en';
echo nl2br($project['Project']['about_'.$dictionary["COUNTRY_SHORT"]]);
$viewFile = '/var/www/html/finterest/app/View/Pages/home.ctp' $dataForView = array( 'regions' => array( (int) 27601824 => 'Kokkola', (int) 27598097 => 'Kristiinankaupunki', (int) 27604419 => 'Rovaniemi', (int) 27596593 => 'Forssa', (int) 27603302 => 'Hailuoto', (int) 27601864 => 'Kalajoki', (int) 27595104 => 'Paimio', (int) 27596433 => 'Janakkala', (int) 27595214 => 'Uusikaupunki', (int) 27598012 => 'Närpiö', (int) 27603256 => 'Utajärvi', (int) 27596042 => 'Helsinki', (int) 27596673 => 'Parikkala', (int) 27601168 => 'Pyhäjärvi', (int) 27597014 => 'Iitti', (int) 27601642 => 'Sonkajärvi', (int) 27596964 => 'Heinola', (int) 27603194 => 'Puolanka', (int) 27597134 => 'Juva', (int) 27595339 => 'Kustavi', (int) 27579894 => 'Lemland', (int) 27597657 => 'Tohmajärvi', (int) 27597594 => 'Kontiolahti', (int) 27595972 => 'Tuusula', (int) 27596754 => 'Taipalsaari', (int) 27596073 => 'Kirkkonummi', (int) 27600943 => 'Perho', (int) 27601193 => 'Pielavesi', (int) 27598412 => 'Kaskinen', (int) 27599666 => 'Pirkkala', (int) 27599013 => 'Siikainen', (int) 27595049 => 'Lieto', (int) 27604100 => 'Pello', (int) 27596643 => 'Savitaipale', (int) 27597159 => 'Kangasniemi', (int) 27597044 => 'Joroinen', (int) 27600209 => 'Alajärvi', (int) 27601348 => 'Laukaa', (int) 27580079 => 'Geta', (int) 27601657 => 'Kiuruvesi', (int) 27600031 => 'Evijärvi', (int) 27599575 => 'Kangasala', (int) 27595421 => 'Turku', (int) 27604075 => 'Ranua', (int) 27602033 => 'Halsua', (int) 27596583 => 'Jokioinen', (int) 27580151 => 'Hammarland', (int) 27604694 => 'Tervola', (int) 27595567 => 'Raisio', (int) 27601298 => 'Vesanto', (int) 27601577 => 'Kaavi', (int) 27599480 => 'Mänttä-Vilppula', (int) 27602957 => 'Pyhäntä', (int) 27595977 => 'Järvenpää', (int) 27599273 => 'Punkalaidun', (int) 27598903 => 'Honkajoki', (int) 27594556 => 'Vårdö', (int) 27599134 => 'Kokemäki', (int) 27600229 => 'Lapua', (int) 27603118 => 'Taivalkoski', (int) 27601403 => 'Jyväskylä', (int) 27600404 => 'Ähtäri', (int) 27598037 => 'Laihia', (int) 27602488 => 'Nivala', (int) 27596523 => 'Hausjärvi', (int) 27601283 => 'Rautalampi', (int) 27594762 => 'Sottunga', (int) 27601013 => 'Kannonkoski', (int) 27597617 => 'Ilomantsi', (int) 27603962 => 'Sodankylä', (int) 27603557 => 'Tyrnävä', (int) 27597470 => 'Juuka', (int) 27601667 => 'Iisalmi', (int) 27599023 => 'Pomarkku', (int) 27595862 => 'Nurmijärvi', (int) 27594964 => 'Pöytyä', (int) 27600329 => 'Kuortane', (int) 27601779 => 'Rautavaara', (int) 27601943 => 'Sievi', (int) 27596158 => 'Myrskylä', (int) 27597435 => 'Valtimo', (int) 27602672 => 'Alavieska', (int) 27601572 => 'Tuusniemi', (int) 27597324 => 'Savonlinna', (int) 27601118 => 'Haapajärvi', (int) 27602517 => 'Haapavesi', (int) 27597114 => 'Mikkeli', (int) 27596728 => 'Rautjärvi', (int) 27598958 => 'Kankaanpää', (int) 27599510 => 'Orivesi', (int) 27601969 => 'Kaustinen', (int) 27601213 => 'Keitele', (int) 27597227 => 'Mäntyharju', (int) 27599780 => 'Seinäjoki', (int) 27596051 => 'Kauniainen', (int) 27599149 => 'Harjavalta', (int) 27601536 => 'Suonenjoki', (int) 27596884 => 'Hartola', (int) 27594908 => 'Loimaa', (int) 27599996 => 'Kruunupyy', (int) 27597354 => 'Heinävesi', (int) 27603874 => 'Utsjoki', (int) 27602219 => 'Siikalatva', (int) 27601363 => 'Uurainen', (int) 27599916 => 'Vimpeli', (int) 27595987 => 'Pornainen', (int) 27599214 => 'Kurikka', (int) 27595624 => 'Kaarina', (int) 27601582 => 'Varkaus', (int) 27600968 => 'Kivijärvi', (int) 27595386 => 'Mynämäki', (int) 27596538 => 'Loppi', (int) 27604002 => 'Salla', (int) 27604022 => 'Kemijärvi', (int) 27596143 => 'Askola', (int) 27596979 => 'Asikkala', (int) 27602378 => 'Oulainen', (int) 27595549 => 'Naantali', (int) 27596408 => 'Tammela', (int) 27597084 => 'Pieksämäki', (int) 27596233 => 'Kouvola', (int) 27601688 => 'Lapinlahti', (int) 27599099 => 'Ulvila', (int) 27603907 => 'Inari', (int) 27599238 => 'Parkano', (int) 27597202 => 'Hirvensalmi', (int) 27598753 => 'Eurajoki', (int) 27597009 => 'Lahti', (int) 27595451 => 'Nousiainen', (int) 27595882 => 'Karkkila', (int) 27579864 => 'Saltvik', (int) 27596769 => 'Lappeenranta', (int) 27601484 => 'Kuhmoinen', (int) 27602479 => 'Ylivieska', (int) 27602059 => 'Raahe', (int) 27599795 => 'Teuva', (int) 27600320 => 'Alavus', (int) 27599189 => 'Eura', (int) 27596894 => 'Sysmä', (int) 27599859 => 'Karijoki', (int) 27599179 => 'Huittinen', (int) 27597380 => 'Rantasalmi', (int) 27579689 => 'Kökar', (int) 27603172 => 'Pudasjärvi', (int) 27599656 => 'Nokia', (int) 27595189 => 'Pyhäranta', (int) 27604170 => 'Muonio', (int) 27600853 => 'Reisjärvi', (int) 27595129 => 'Somero', (int) 27598793 => 'Pori', (int) 27596032 => 'Vantaa', (int) 27596378 => 'Orimattila', (int) 27597853 => 'Vaasa', (int) 27600918 => 'Kinnula', (int) 27579924 => 'Jomala', (int) 27600978 => 'Kyyjärvi', (int) 27601033 => 'Saarijärvi', (int) 27595732 => 'Porvoo', (int) 27596598 => 'Ypäjä', (int) 27596850 => 'Padasjoki', (int) 27604160 => 'Enontekiö', (int) 27599068 => 'Sastamala', (int) 27602763 => 'Pyhäjoki', (int) 27597672 => 'Kitee', (int) 27595144 => 'Sauvo', (int) 27601814 => 'Kannus', (int) 27598698 => 'Kuopio', (int) 27595396 => 'Aura', (int) 27601313 => 'Äänekoski', (int) 27595702 => 'Sipoo', (int) 27600310 => 'Soini', (int) 27601469 => 'Jämsä', (int) 27604730 => 'Kemi', (int) 27599229 => 'Ikaalinen', (int) 27596358 => 'Virolahti', (int) 27596488 => 'Hämeenlinna', (int) 27604145 => 'Kittilä', (int) 27598873 => 'Kauhajoki', (int) 27598923 => 'Isojoki', (int) 27597247 => 'Pertunmaa', (int) 27597977 => 'Korsnäs', (int) 27601413 => 'Petäjävesi', (int) 27596568 => 'Humppila', (int) 27595519 => 'Rusko', (int) 27596133 => 'Pukkila', (int) 27595907 => 'Lohja', (int) 27603552 => 'Liminka', (int) 27603383 => 'Ii', (int) 27595460 => 'Masku', (int) 27601228 => 'Viitasaari', (int) 27599399 => 'Virrat', (int) 27594620 => 'Lumparland', (int) 27599641 => 'Hämeenkyrö', (int) 27579829 => 'Brändö', (int) 27599585 => 'Pälkäne', (int) 27597420 => 'Nurmes', (int) 27599681 => 'Vesilahti', (int) 27597212 => 'Puumala', (int) 27604555 => 'Tornio', (int) 27601328 => 'Hankasalmi', (int) 27596022 => 'Espoo', (int) 27596113 => 'Raasepori', (int) 27596718 => 'Ruokolahti', (int) 27579769 => 'Föglö', (int) 27603287 => 'Lumijoki', (int) 27597385 => 'Sulkava', (int) 27605740 => 'Siikajoki', (int) 27601952 => 'Toholampi', (int) 27580115 => 'Finström', (int) 27601053 => 'Multia', (int) 27595014 => 'Koski Tl', (int) 27602897 => 'Vaala', (int) 27601526 => 'Tervo', (int) 27596188 => 'Hanko', (int) 27603043 => 'Kuhmo', (int) 27604450 => 'Ylitornio', (int) 27596994 => 'Hollola', (int) 27603231 => 'Ristijärvi', (int) 27603018 => 'Sotkamo', (int) 27580347 => 'Sund', (int) 27579949 => 'Eckerö', (int) 27600098 => 'Kauhava', (int) 27595842 => 'Vihti', (int) 27597787 => 'Luoto', (int) 27604624 => 'Keminmaa', (int) 27594838 => 'Oripää', (int) 27598057 => 'Isokyrö', (int) 27596348 => 'Pyhtää', (int) 27596503 => 'Hattula', (int) 27599610 => 'Lempäälä', (int) 27598728 => 'Rauma', (int) 27599722 => 'Urjala', (int) 27598843 => 'Karvia', (int) 27596098 => 'Inkoo', (int) 27596999 => 'Kärkölä', (int) 27595269 => 'Taivassalo', (int) 27597702 => 'Pietarsaari', (int) 27603932 => 'Posio', (int) 27597637 => 'Outokumpu', (int) 27597677 => 'Rääkkylä', (int) 27597363 => 'Enonkoski', (int) 27601068 => 'Keuruu', (int) 27600993 => 'Karstula', (int) 27600893 => 'Lestijärvi', (int) 27603078 => 'Suomussalmi', (int) 27595952 => 'Mäntsälä', (int) 27603215 => 'Hyrynsalmi', (int) 27601551 => 'Leppävirta', (int) 27604012 => 'Pelkosenniemi', (int) 27599738 => 'Akaa', (int) 27598998 => 'Jämijärvi', (int) 27599424 => 'Ylöjärvi', (int) 27597831 => 'Mustasaari', (int) 27595254 => 'Vehmaa', (int) 27594615 => 'Maarianhamina', (int) 27595239 => 'Laitila', (int) 27599159 => 'Nakkila', (int) 27595997 => 'Kerava', (int) 27602852 => 'Kajaani', (int) 27604125 => 'Kolari', (int) 27602681 => 'Merijärvi', (int) 27603527 => 'Muhos', (int) 27599535 => 'Tampere', (int) 27596779 => 'Imatra', (int) 27599359 => 'Kihniö', (int) 27596178 => 'Lapinjärvi', (int) 27601612 => 'Vieremä', (int) 27599896 => 'Lappajärvi', (int) 27604744 => 'Simo', (int) 27597888 => 'Maalahti', (int) 27599288 => 'Säkylä', (int) 27595164 => 'Kemiönsaari', (int) 27602453 => 'Kärsämäki', (int) 27595802 => 'Hyvinkää', (int) 27599631 => 'Valkeakoski', (int) 27601258 => 'Konnevesi', (int) 27603542 => 'Kempele', (int) 27597500 => 'Lieksa', (int) 27598708 => 'Siilinjärvi', (int) 27579809 => 'Kumlinge', (int) 27598813 => 'Merikarvia', (int) 27603103 => 'Kuusamo', (int) 27603361 => 'Oulu', (int) 27601433 => 'Toivakka', (int) 27601143 => 'Pihtipudas', (int) 27599449 => 'Ruovesi', (int) 27596303 => 'Miehikkälä', (int) 27596083 => 'Siuntio', (int) 27596618 => 'Lemi', (int) 27599545 => 'Juupajoki', (int) 27599785 => 'Ilmajoki', (int) 27597565 => 'Joensuu', (int) 27596338 => 'Kotka', (int) 27598638 => 'Pedersören kunta', (int) 27597585 => 'Polvijärvi', (int) 27601423 => 'Muurame', (int) 27597727 => 'Uusikaarlepyy', (int) 27597757 => 'Vöyri', (int) 27596859 => 'Joutsa', (int) 27596278 => 'Luumäki', (int) 27596323 => 'Hamina', (int) 27601489 => 'Luhanka', (int) 27602877 => 'Paltamo', (int) 27595762 => 'Loviisa', (int) 27597530 => 'Liperi', (int) 27595084 => 'Salo', (int) 27601995 => 'Veteli', (int) 27596533 => 'Riihimäki', (int) 27603982 => 'Savukoski', (int) 27579739 => 'Parainen', (int) 27595009 => 'Marttila' ), 'trips' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 7 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 8 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 9 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 10 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 11 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 12 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 13 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 14 => array( 'Trip' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'dictionary' => array( 'COUNTRY_SHORT' => 'jp', 'COUNTRY_LONG' => '日本語', 'CATEGORY_1_C' => '文化遺産', 'CATEGORY_2_C' => 'キッズ', 'CATEGORY_4_C' => 'スポーツ', 'CATEGORY_5_C' => 'アウトドア', 'CATEGORY_6_C' => '自然', 'REGISTER_C' => '登録', 'CHOOSE_INTEREST_C' => '興味のあるものを選んでください', 'GO_TO_WEBSITE' => 'ウェブサイトへ行く', 'ADD_TO_PLAN_C' => 'プランに追加する', 'FROM_C' => '開始日', 'TO_C' => '終了日', 'TRAVEL_PERIOD' => '旅行期間', 'WHERE_DO_YOU_GO' => 'どこへ行きたいですか?', 'WHERE_AM_I' => '現在地はどこですか?', 'ABOUT_US' => 'Finterestについて', 'USER_GUIDE' => 'ユーザーガイド', 'REPORT_AND_MISSIG_DATA' => 'エラーや欠落データの報告', 'SELECT' => '選択する', 'ALL' => 'すべて', 'NONE' => 'なし', 'YOUTUBE_URL' => '', 'LOGIN_C' => 'ログイン', 'ZOOM_IN_C' => 'ズームインしてさらに表示', 'USERNAME' => 'ユーザー名', 'PASSWORD' => 'パスワード', 'CONFIRM_PASSWORD' => 'パスワードの確認', 'EMAIL' => 'メールアドレス', 'WHY_REGISTER' => 'Finterest アカウントの利点は?', 'OR' => 'または', 'DELETE_FROM_PLAN_C' => 'マイ プランから削除', 'MY_PLAN_C' => 'マイ プラン', 'NOTHING_FOUND' => '何も見つかりませんでした', 'MULTI_ART' => 'マルチアートフェスティバル', 'CLASSICAL_MUSIC' => 'クラシック音楽', 'OPERA_MUSIC' => 'オペラやコーラス', 'CONTEMPORARY_MUSIC' => '現代音楽', 'JAZZ_BLUES' => 'ジャズ/ブルース', 'POP_ROCK' => 'ロック/ポップ', 'FOLK' => '民俗音楽/ワールドミュージック', 'DANCE' => 'ダンス', 'THEATRE_LITERATURE' => '劇場', 'CHILDREN_AND_YOUNG' => '子供と青少年のフェスティバル', 'VISUAL_ART' => '視覚芸術', 'FILM' => '映画', 'NLS' => 'National Land Survey', 'THEMES_C' => 'テーマ', 'DISPLAY' => 'ディスプレイ', 'OPTION_ALL' => 'すべて', 'OPTION_MAX' => '最大', 'SELECT_C' => '選択する', 'CLOSE_C' => '閉じます', 'MY_PLAN' => '自身の旅行プラン', 'FEEDBACK' => 'あなたのフィードバックを送信', 'ADD_EDIT_POINT' => 'ポイントを加算する/編集する', 'LOGOUT_C' => 'ログアウト', 'SELECT_TYPE' => 'タイプを選択する', 'YOUR_NAME' => 'お名前', 'OPINION' => 'ご意見', 'NEW_DATA_SOURCE' => '新しいデータソース', 'COOPERATION_IDEA' => '企業提案 ', 'INCORRECT_DATA' => '間違ったデータ', 'MISSIING_DATA' => '失測データ', 'DESCRIPTION' => '概要', 'POINT_NAME' => 'ポイント名', 'WIND' => 'ウインド', 'SELECT_POINT_C' => 'ポイントを選択する', 'SELECT_THEME' => 'テーマを選択', 'WARN_SELECT_THEME' => 'テーマを選択してください', 'WARN_SELECT_POINT' => 'クリックして、ポイントを選択してください', 'CURRENT_CHOICE' => '現在の選択', 'PLACE_POINT_C' => 'ポイントを配置する', 'WE_CHECK_SUGGESTION' => 'ご意見いただきまして、ありがとうございました。', 'WARN_MARK_PONT' => 'ポイントを配置してください', 'WE_REPLY_SOON' => 'ありがとうございました。すぐにご連絡させていただきます。', 'WARN_NOT_VERIFIED' => 'まだ確認できません', 'WARN_INVALID_USER_PASSWORD' => 'ユーザーネーム、またはパスワードが無効です', 'SHARE_PLAN' => 'プランを共有する', 'ZOOM_TO_FULL' => 'フィンランドにズームする', 'SEND_C' => '送信', 'LR_3000' => 'イベント', 'NAME' => '名前', 'ADD_EVENTS_C' => 'Add an event', 'WARN_CONFIRM_ACCOUNT' => 'アカウントを承認する', 'EMAIL_CONFIRM' => 'ご登録ありがとうございました。このリンクをクリックして、アカウントを承認してください。', 'INFO_USER_SAVED' => 'ユーザーが保存されました。Eメールでアカウントを承認してください。', 'WANR_CHECK_PASSWORDS' => 'パスワードが一致しているか確認してください', 'ADMIN_PANEL' => '管理パネル', 'CHANGE_PASSWORD' => 'パスワードを変更する', 'NEW_PASSWORD' => '新しいパスワード', 'PHOTOGRAPH' => '写真撮影', 'WEIRD_EVENTS' => '奇妙なイベント', 'WEATHER' => '天気', 'TEMPERATURE' => '温度', 'PRESSURE' => '圧力', 'HUMIDITY' => '湿度', 'WARN_INVALID_EMAIL' => '無効なEメール', 'WARN_USERNAME_EXISTS' => 'このユーザー名は既に使用されています。', 'WARN_INVALID_PASSWORD' => '不正なパスワード', 'WARN_MIN_3_CHAR' => '少なくとも3文字を入力してください。', 'OPTIONAL' => 'オプショナル', 'MUSEUM' => '博物館', 'CIRCUS' => 'サーカス', 'SPORT' => 'スポーツの', 'LITERATURE' => '文学', 'DISTANCE' => '距離', 'SHOW_ROUTE' => '表示ルート', 'HIDE' => '隠されました', 'CATEGORY_8_C' => 'サービス', 'CAPTCHA_INCORRECT' => '不正なキャプチャコード値', 'CAPTCHA_RELOAD' => '読めませんか? リロードしてください', 'ADDITIONAL_INFO' => '追加情報', 'SELECT_MAIN_THEME_C' => 'メインテーマを選択してください', 'CAPTCHA_ENTER_CODE' => '上記のセキュリティコードを入力してください', 'EXPLORE_ROUTES' => '計画を立てる', 'SHARE_MAP' => '地図を共有', 'LOAD_C' => '負荷', 'FINTEREST_ABOUT' => ' is a new web service for travellers in Finland. Finterest offers 50 themes of information about the most interesting activities ranging from camping to festivals and sports in one service', 'TYPE' => '種類', 'PREVIEW_DATA_C' => 'PREVIEW DATA', 'ADD_POINT_C' => 'ポイントを追加', 'SET_MAIN_CAT' => 'Set main category', 'CONTACT_EMAIL' => 'Email', 'ACTIVE_COMMERCIAL_VERSION' => 'Start subscription', 'DATES' => 'Dates', 'MODFIED_BEFORE' => 'Modified before', 'DATA_SOURCE' => 'Data source', 'FEEDBACK_C' => 'FEEDBACK', 'EDIT_TRIPS_C' => 'EDIT PLANS', 'PREVIEW_C' => 'PREVIEW', 'TIME' => '時間', 'START_DATE' => '開始日', 'END_DATE' => '終了日', 'OPEN_DATES' => '開始日', 'DELETE_C' => 'DELETE', 'MODIFY_C' => '編集', 'DAYS' => '日', 'FESTIVALS' => 'イベント', 'SELECT_EVENT_THEME_C' => 'SELECT MAIN EVENT THEME', 'ADD_EVENT_C' => 'Add an event', 'ADD_POINTS_C' => 'Add points', 'ABOUT_FINTEREST' => ' is a new web service for travellers in Finland. Finterest offers 50 themes of information about the most interesting activities ranging from camping to festivals and sports in one service', 'MODIFICATION_DATE' => 'Modification date', 'LR_1040' => 'ギャラリー', 'LR_1007' => '文化', 'LR_1008' => '世界遺産', 'LR_1012' => 'アーキテクチャ', 'LR_2003' => 'パドリングプール', 'LR_3001' => '芸術音楽祭', 'LR_4012' => 'テニスコート ホール', 'LR_1002' => '城', 'LR_1003' => '博物館', 'LR_1006' => '建築物', 'LR_1009' => '灯台', 'LR_1010' => '奇妙な場所', 'LR_1011' => '興味深い場所', 'LR_2001' => '動物園', 'LR_2002' => '遊園地', 'LR_2004' => 'アドベンチャーパーク', 'LR_2005' => '遊び場', 'LR_3002' => '音楽イベント', 'LR_3003' => 'ダンスイベント', 'LR_3004' => '映画祭', 'LR_3005' => 'キッズイベント', 'LR_3007' => '奇妙なイベント', 'LR_3008' => '劇場', 'LR_3009' => '芸術', 'LR_3010' => '博物館', 'LR_3011' => 'サーカス', 'LR_3012' => 'スポーツの', 'LR_3013' => '文学', 'LR_3999' => 'イベント', 'LR_4003' => 'ミニゴルフ', 'LR_4004' => 'クライミング', 'LR_4007' => '冬季水泳', 'LR_4009' => 'スパ', 'LR_4001' => 'ゴルフコース', 'LR_4011' => 'スケート場', 'LR_3014' => 'フード', 'LR_3030' => 'その他の', 'LR_4002' => 'フリスビー ゴルフ', 'LR_4005' => '遊泳場', 'LR_4006' => '水泳ホール', 'LR_4008' => 'ジム', 'LR_8015' => 'restaurants', 'LR_8115' => 'Higlighted cafeterias', 'LR_1901' => 'UK', 'LR_5004' => 'キャンプ', 'LR_4020' => 'クロスカントリーのサイクリングルート', 'LR_5008' => 'レクリエーションエリア', 'LR_4014' => 'ボーリング', 'LR_4016' => 'その他スポーツ館', 'LR_4013' => 'クロスカントリースキー', 'LR_5001' => 'サイクリング コース', 'LR_5002' => '観光コース', 'LR_5003' => 'カヌールート', 'LR_5005' => 'バンガロー', 'LR_5006' => 'キャンプ ファイアー場', 'LR_5007' => 'ハイキング エリア', 'LR_6002' => '国立公園', 'LR_6003' => '野生生物公園', 'LR_6004' => '展望台', 'LR_6007' => '散策コース', 'LR_6005' => 'ネイチャー センター', 'LR_7001' => '情報センター', 'LR_8112' => 'ホテル', 'LR_8111' => 'レストラン', 'LR_8501' => 'ベンチ', 'BACK_C' => '<< 戻る', 'GIVE_POINT_NAME' => 'ポイントの名前をつける', 'PREFERENCES_C' => '好み', 'RFP_CAR' => 'レンタカー', 'PREVIOUS' => '前', 'RFP_DETAILS' => 'ニーズをもと詳細に記述してください', 'RFP_TRANSPORT' => '交通', 'IMAGE_SRC' => '画像ソース/ライセンス', 'IMAGE_URL' => '画像のURL(例:WikiCommons)', 'LR_8081' => '他人', 'LR_1052' => '像', 'LR_8061' => 'ガソリンスタンド', 'LR_8004' => 'キャンプ', 'LR_6009' => '自然保護区', 'RFP_SEND' => '提案の依頼を送信します', 'RFP_ACCOMODATION' => '宿泊施設', 'RFP_SERVICES' => 'どんなサービスが必要ですか?', 'RFP_PERSONS' => 'あなたは何人でしょうか?', 'EDIT_C' => '編集', 'RFP_ELSE' => '他に何か', 'RFP_LANGUAGE' => '指導用の言語は?', 'RFP_GUIDE' => '指導', 'PLACES' => '場所', 'RFP_INVALID_AID' => '障害者支援', 'BASIC_INFO' => '基本情報', 'RFP_PHONE' => '電話', 'RFP_TOURS' => 'ツアー(ハイキング、サイクリング、パドリング)', 'NEXT' => '次', 'RFP_SIGHTSEEING' => '観光', 'LOCATION' => '場所', 'OK' => 'はい', 'CLEAR_FORM' => 'フォームを空にします', 'CHANGE_PASSWORD_C' => 'パスワードを変更します', 'DEFAULT_LOCATION_C' => 'デフォルトの場所を選択してください', 'SELECT_THEMES_C' => 'テーマを選択してください', 'IMAGE_DATA' => '画像データ', 'ADDRESS' => '住所', 'EVENT_TYPE' => 'イベントの種類', 'TYPE_S' => '-種類-', 'ADD_MORE_DATES_C' => 'もう1つの時間を追加してください', 'RECURRING_EVENT' => '定期的なイベント', 'SAVE' => '保存', 'DATA_QUALITY_ISSUE' => 'Data quality issue', 'WARN_IMAGE_OWNER' => 'Remember to make sure that the image license allows using it in Finterest.', 'IMAGE_AUTH' => 'Image author', 'IM_THE_AUTHOR' => 'I'm the author', 'GENRE' => 'Genre', 'SORT_BY' => 'Sort by', 'CALENDAR_C' => 'CALENDAR', 'OPEN_CALENDAR_C' => 'OPEN CALENDAR', 'MAPS' => 'Maps', 'MUNICIPALITY' => 'Municipality', 'CLEAR_C' => 'CLEAR', 'LR_1051' => 'ローカルポイント', 'SPACES_AVAILABLE' => 'Spaces available', 'ONLY_MAP_AREA' => 'Only map area', 'NO_GPS_SIGNAL' => 'No GPS signal', 'LR_1053' => '地元の食べ物', 'LR_5013' => '釣り', 'ORGANISATION' => 'Organisation', 'SHARE_WITH_USERS' => 'Share with Finterest users', 'LR_8092' => 'ハスキーやトナカイのサファリ', 'LR_8014' => '食堂', 'LR_6051' => '自然の目的地', 'LR_8008' => '臨時の宿泊施設', 'LR_5014' => '野生動物', 'LR_5012' => 'ボートやセーリング', 'LR_5015' => '乗馬', 'LR_5016' => ''Retkipaikka' からのブログ', 'LR_2006' => '子供のための活動', 'LR_4010' => 'スキーセンター', 'LR_4018' => 'スケートボード', 'LR_8002' => 'ベッド&ブレックファースト', 'LR_4017' => 'モータースポーツの場所', 'LR_7002' => '空港', 'LR_8003' => 'ヴィラ、コテージ、キャンプ', 'LR_8041' => '脱出部屋', 'SEND_REQUEST' => 'リクエストを送ります', 'LR_8093' => '船旅', 'LR_7016' => 'Webカメラ', 'LR_1013' => 'サウナ体験', 'LR_5011' => 'マリーナ', 'CITY_OR_ADDRESS' => 'カウプンキタイカツオサイト', 'LR_8601' => '食品販売所', 'LR_4015' => 'その他のスポーツ分野', 'DAY' => '日', 'BIKES_AVAILABLE' => '自転車が利用可能です', 'KEYWORDS' => 'Keywords', 'LR_4031' => 'アイスホール', 'LR_4036' => 'バレーボールコート', 'WARN_COVID_EVENT' => 'Many events has been cancelled according to COVID-19 situation. Please, check availibility on organizer page.', 'LR_4032' => 'サッカー場', 'LR_4034' => 'バンディフィールド', 'LR_7015' => '道路カメラ', 'LR_4035' => 'バスケットボールのコート', 'LR_8033' => '郵便局', 'LR_4022' => '乗馬ルート', 'LR_4037' => 'フロアボールコート', 'LR_8025' => '薬局', 'LR_4021' => 'フィットネストラック', 'LR_7031' => '病院', 'LR_8016' => 'バー', 'LR_8031' => '銀行', 'LR_7040' => '幼稚園', 'LR_5021' => 'ボートルート', 'LR_1032' => '劇場', 'LR_1023' => '文化センター', 'LR_4023' => 'アイススケートルート', 'LR_4033' => 'フィンランドの野球場', 'LR_8091' => 'ツアーとサファリ', 'LR_8013' => 'Food courts', 'LR_1033' => 'シネマ', 'LR_8032' => 'ATM', 'LR_8602' => '応急処置', 'LR_7033' => 'Nursing homes', 'LR_8021' => '食料品', 'LR_8048' => 'Area for tourists services', 'LR_7057' => 'Recycling', 'LR_8017' => 'ナイトクラブ', 'LR_8012' => 'ファストフード', 'LR_1024' => 'モスク', 'LR_8065' => 'レンタカー', 'LR_8067' => 'ボートのレンタル', 'LR_1031' => '文化センター', 'LR_7003' => '鉄道の駅', 'LR_7004' => 'バス停', 'LR_7058' => 'Waste disposal', 'LR_5022' => 'スノーモービルルート', 'LR_7041' => 'Schools', 'LR_7042' => 'Universities', 'LR_7061' => 'Post office', 'CATEGORY_7_C' => '観光情報', 'CATEGORY_3_C' => 'イベント', 'LR_7071' => 'Administration', 'LR_8066' => '自転車ステーション', 'LR_1061' => 'Egenland', 'LR_7048' => 'ライブラリ', 'LR_7081' => 'カンファレンスセンター', 'LR_1001' => '教会', 'LR_1005' => '岩窟壁画', 'LR_8604' => 'トイレ', 'LR_8605' => '映画館', 'LR_7005' => 'バスターミナル', 'LR_8022' => 'ファームショップ', 'LR_8606' => 'ステージ', 'LR_5031' => 'マウンテンバイクトレイル', 'LR_7006' => 'フェリーターミナル' ), 'dictionary_layers' => array( (int) 3000 => 'イベント', (int) 1040 => 'ギャラリー', (int) 1007 => '文化', (int) 1008 => '世界遺産', (int) 1012 => 'アーキテクチャ', (int) 2003 => 'パドリングプール', (int) 3001 => '芸術音楽祭', (int) 4012 => 'テニスコート ホール', (int) 1002 => '城', (int) 1003 => '博物館', (int) 1006 => '建築物', (int) 1009 => '灯台', (int) 1010 => '奇妙な場所', (int) 1011 => '興味深い場所', (int) 2001 => '動物園', (int) 2002 => '遊園地', (int) 2004 => 'アドベンチャーパーク', (int) 2005 => '遊び場', (int) 3002 => '音楽イベント', (int) 3003 => 'ダンスイベント', (int) 3004 => '映画祭', (int) 3005 => 'キッズイベント', (int) 3007 => '奇妙なイベント', (int) 3008 => '劇場', (int) 3009 => '芸術', 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8501 => 'ベンチ', (int) 8081 => '他人', (int) 1052 => '像', (int) 8061 => 'ガソリンスタンド', (int) 8004 => 'キャンプ', (int) 6009 => '自然保護区', (int) 1051 => 'ローカルポイント', (int) 1053 => '地元の食べ物', (int) 5013 => '釣り', (int) 8092 => 'ハスキーやトナカイのサファリ', (int) 8014 => '食堂', (int) 6051 => '自然の目的地', (int) 8008 => '臨時の宿泊施設', (int) 5014 => '野生動物', (int) 5012 => 'ボートやセーリング', (int) 5015 => '乗馬', (int) 5016 => ''Retkipaikka' からのブログ', (int) 2006 => '子供のための活動', (int) 4010 => 'スキーセンター', (int) 4018 => 'スケートボード', (int) 8002 => 'ベッド&ブレックファースト', (int) 4017 => 'モータースポーツの場所', (int) 7002 => '空港', (int) 8003 => 'ヴィラ、コテージ、キャンプ', (int) 8041 => '脱出部屋', (int) 8093 => '船旅', (int) 7016 => 'Webカメラ', (int) 1013 => 'サウナ体験', (int) 5011 => 'マリーナ', (int) 8601 => '食品販売所', (int) 4015 => 'その他のスポーツ分野', (int) 4031 => 'アイスホール', (int) 4036 => 'バレーボールコート', (int) 4032 => 'サッカー場', (int) 4034 => 'バンディフィールド', (int) 7015 => '道路カメラ', (int) 4035 => 'バスケットボールのコート', (int) 8033 => '郵便局', (int) 4022 => '乗馬ルート', (int) 4037 => 'フロアボールコート', (int) 8025 => '薬局', (int) 4021 => 'フィットネストラック', (int) 7031 => '病院', (int) 8016 => 'バー', (int) 8031 => '銀行', (int) 7040 => '幼稚園', (int) 5021 => 'ボートルート', (int) 1032 => '劇場', (int) 1023 => '文化センター', (int) 4023 => 'アイススケートルート', (int) 4033 => 'フィンランドの野球場', (int) 8091 => 'ツアーとサファリ', (int) 8013 => 'Food courts', (int) 1033 => 'シネマ', (int) 8032 => 'ATM', (int) 8602 => '給水所', (int) 7033 => 'Nursing homes', (int) 8021 => '食料品', (int) 8048 => 'Area for tourists services', (int) 7057 => 'Recycling', (int) 8017 => 'ナイトクラブ', (int) 8012 => 'ファストフード', (int) 1024 => 'モスク', (int) 8065 => 'レンタカー', (int) 8067 => 'ボートのレンタル', (int) 1031 => '文化センター', (int) 7003 => '鉄道の駅', (int) 7004 => 'バス停', (int) 7058 => 'Waste disposal', (int) 5022 => 'スノーモービルルート', (int) 7041 => 'Schools', (int) 7042 => 'Universities', (int) 7061 => 'Post office', (int) 7071 => 'Administration', (int) 8603 => '応急処置', (int) 8066 => '自転車ステーション', (int) 1061 => 'Egenland', (int) 7048 => 'ライブラリ', (int) 7081 => 'カンファレンスセンター', (int) 1001 => '教会', (int) 1005 => '岩窟壁画', (int) 8604 => 'トイレ', (int) 8605 => '映画館', (int) 7005 => 'バスターミナル', (int) 8022 => 'ファームショップ', (int) 8606 => 'ステージ', (int) 5031 => 'マウンテンバイクトレイル', (int) 7006 => 'フェリーターミナル' ), 'project' => array( 'Project' => array( 'id' => (int) 1000, 'name' => 'finterest', 'the_geom' => '0103000060E70B00000100000005000000243B2FE12C7A1DC1D05D786C2BE74E41000000000000F03F381504FB00D0FA400E1CD244FD445E41000000000000F03F5B7CD71D81813841B447ED624A4A5F41000000000000F03FCCAE06FF192D4A411CF8DDACA1345141000000000000F03F243B2FE12C7A1DC1D05D786C2BE74E41000000000000F03F', 'lat_max' => '36.1', 'lat_min' => '16.1', 'lng_max' => '71.2', 'lng_min' => '59.1', 'about_en' => ' is a new web service for travellers in Finland. Finterest offers 45 themes of information about the most interesting activities ranging from camping to festivals and sports in one service We owe thanks to the following data providers: Metsähallitus National Board of Antiquities Jyväskylä University Finnish Environment Institute Finnish Transport Agency Finnish Lighthouse Society Visit Finland Finnish Museums Association Ismo Luukkonen Linnasta Linnaan Outdoors Finland LinkedEvents Helsinki LinkedEvents Turku LinkedEvents Espoo TavastiaEvents AvoinSatakunta Ticketmaster Ismo Luukkonen (photos) Hannu Asikainen (photos) VisitFinland (photos) Wikipedia (photos) The service has been developed by Paikkatietokonsultit Oy.', 'about_fi' => ' on uusi palvelu Suomessa matkustaville. Sen 50 teemaa tarjoavat kattavat tiedot Suomen kiinnostavimmista paikoista ja tapahtumista. Käytämme mm. seuraavien tiedontuottajien mainiota tietoa: Metsähallitus Museovirasto Jyväskylän yliopisto Suomen ympäristökeskus Suomen majakkaseura ry Museoliitto Linnasta Linnaan Outdoors Finland LinkedEvents Helsinki LinkedEvents Turku LinkedEvents Espoo TavastiaEvents AvoinSatakunta Ticketmaster Ismo Luukkonen (valokuvia) Hannu Asikainen (valokuvia) VisitFinland (valokuvia) Wikipedia Palvelun on kehittänyt Paikkatietokonsultit Oy.', 'about_se' => ' är en ny informationstjänst för den som reser i Finland. 50 olika temor av Finterest innehåller täckande information av de mest intressanta platser och evenemang i Finland. Vi använder data av följande dataproducenter: Forststyrelsen Museiverket Jyväskylä universitet Finlands miljöcentral Trafikverket Finlands fyrsällskap VisitFinland Finlands Museiförbund Outdoors Finland LinkedEvents Helsingfors LinkedEvents Åbo LinkedEvents Esbo TavastiaEvents AvoinSatakunta Ticketmaster Ismo Luukkonen (bilder) Hannu Asikainen (bilder) VisitFinland (bilder) Wikipedia (bilder) Tjänsten är utvecklad av Paikkatietokonsultit Oy.', 'logo' => 'Finterest_logo_blue.png', 'geoserver_workspace' => 'tourist', 'fb_name' => '', 'favicon' => 'Finterest_Star_min.png', 'title' => 'Finterest - guide map of Finland for tourists | architecture, museums, festivals, nature and lots more on one map' ) ), 'layers' => array( (int) 0 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 7 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 8 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 9 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 10 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 11 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 12 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 13 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 14 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 15 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 16 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 17 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 18 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 19 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 20 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 21 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 22 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 23 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 24 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 25 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 26 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 27 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 28 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 29 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 30 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 31 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 32 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 33 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 34 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 35 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 36 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 37 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 38 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 39 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 40 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 41 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 42 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 43 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 44 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 45 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 46 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 47 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 48 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 49 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 50 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 51 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 52 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 53 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 54 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 55 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 56 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 57 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 58 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 59 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 60 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 61 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 62 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 63 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 64 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 65 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 66 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 67 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 68 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 69 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 70 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 71 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 72 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 73 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 74 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 75 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 76 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 77 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 78 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 79 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 80 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 81 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 82 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 83 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 84 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 85 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 86 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 87 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 88 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 89 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 90 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 91 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 92 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 93 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 94 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 95 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 96 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 97 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 98 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 99 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 100 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 101 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 102 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 103 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), 'page' => 'home', 'subpage' => null, 'title_for_layout' => 'Home' ) $regions = array( (int) 27601824 => 'Kokkola', (int) 27598097 => 'Kristiinankaupunki', (int) 27604419 => 'Rovaniemi', (int) 27596593 => 'Forssa', (int) 27603302 => 'Hailuoto', (int) 27601864 => 'Kalajoki', (int) 27595104 => 'Paimio', (int) 27596433 => 'Janakkala', (int) 27595214 => 'Uusikaupunki', (int) 27598012 => 'Närpiö', (int) 27603256 => 'Utajärvi', (int) 27596042 => 'Helsinki', (int) 27596673 => 'Parikkala', (int) 27601168 => 'Pyhäjärvi', (int) 27597014 => 'Iitti', (int) 27601642 => 'Sonkajärvi', (int) 27596964 => 'Heinola', (int) 27603194 => 'Puolanka', (int) 27597134 => 'Juva', (int) 27595339 => 'Kustavi', (int) 27579894 => 'Lemland', (int) 27597657 => 'Tohmajärvi', (int) 27597594 => 'Kontiolahti', (int) 27595972 => 'Tuusula', (int) 27596754 => 'Taipalsaari', (int) 27596073 => 'Kirkkonummi', (int) 27600943 => 'Perho', (int) 27601193 => 'Pielavesi', (int) 27598412 => 'Kaskinen', (int) 27599666 => 'Pirkkala', (int) 27599013 => 'Siikainen', (int) 27595049 => 'Lieto', (int) 27604100 => 'Pello', (int) 27596643 => 'Savitaipale', (int) 27597159 => 'Kangasniemi', (int) 27597044 => 'Joroinen', (int) 27600209 => 'Alajärvi', (int) 27601348 => 'Laukaa', (int) 27580079 => 'Geta', (int) 27601657 => 'Kiuruvesi', (int) 27600031 => 'Evijärvi', (int) 27599575 => 'Kangasala', (int) 27595421 => 'Turku', (int) 27604075 => 'Ranua', (int) 27602033 => 'Halsua', (int) 27596583 => 'Jokioinen', (int) 27580151 => 'Hammarland', (int) 27604694 => 'Tervola', (int) 27595567 => 'Raisio', (int) 27601298 => 'Vesanto', (int) 27601577 => 'Kaavi', (int) 27599480 => 'Mänttä-Vilppula', (int) 27602957 => 'Pyhäntä', (int) 27595977 => 'Järvenpää', (int) 27599273 => 'Punkalaidun', (int) 27598903 => 'Honkajoki', (int) 27594556 => 'Vårdö', (int) 27599134 => 'Kokemäki', (int) 27600229 => 'Lapua', (int) 27603118 => 'Taivalkoski', (int) 27601403 => 'Jyväskylä', (int) 27600404 => 'Ähtäri', (int) 27598037 => 'Laihia', (int) 27602488 => 'Nivala', (int) 27596523 => 'Hausjärvi', (int) 27601283 => 'Rautalampi', (int) 27594762 => 'Sottunga', (int) 27601013 => 'Kannonkoski', (int) 27597617 => 'Ilomantsi', (int) 27603962 => 'Sodankylä', (int) 27603557 => 'Tyrnävä', (int) 27597470 => 'Juuka', (int) 27601667 => 'Iisalmi', (int) 27599023 => 'Pomarkku', (int) 27595862 => 'Nurmijärvi', (int) 27594964 => 'Pöytyä', (int) 27600329 => 'Kuortane', (int) 27601779 => 'Rautavaara', (int) 27601943 => 'Sievi', (int) 27596158 => 'Myrskylä', (int) 27597435 => 'Valtimo', (int) 27602672 => 'Alavieska', (int) 27601572 => 'Tuusniemi', (int) 27597324 => 'Savonlinna', (int) 27601118 => 'Haapajärvi', (int) 27602517 => 'Haapavesi', (int) 27597114 => 'Mikkeli', (int) 27596728 => 'Rautjärvi', (int) 27598958 => 'Kankaanpää', (int) 27599510 => 'Orivesi', (int) 27601969 => 'Kaustinen', (int) 27601213 => 'Keitele', (int) 27597227 => 'Mäntyharju', (int) 27599780 => 'Seinäjoki', (int) 27596051 => 'Kauniainen', (int) 27599149 => 'Harjavalta', (int) 27601536 => 'Suonenjoki', (int) 27596884 => 'Hartola', (int) 27594908 => 'Loimaa', (int) 27599996 => 'Kruunupyy', (int) 27597354 => 'Heinävesi', (int) 27603874 => 'Utsjoki', (int) 27602219 => 'Siikalatva', (int) 27601363 => 'Uurainen', (int) 27599916 => 'Vimpeli', (int) 27595987 => 'Pornainen', (int) 27599214 => 'Kurikka', (int) 27595624 => 'Kaarina', (int) 27601582 => 'Varkaus', (int) 27600968 => 'Kivijärvi', (int) 27595386 => 'Mynämäki', (int) 27596538 => 'Loppi', (int) 27604002 => 'Salla', (int) 27604022 => 'Kemijärvi', (int) 27596143 => 'Askola', (int) 27596979 => 'Asikkala', (int) 27602378 => 'Oulainen', (int) 27595549 => 'Naantali', (int) 27596408 => 'Tammela', (int) 27597084 => 'Pieksämäki', (int) 27596233 => 'Kouvola', (int) 27601688 => 'Lapinlahti', (int) 27599099 => 'Ulvila', (int) 27603907 => 'Inari', (int) 27599238 => 'Parkano', (int) 27597202 => 'Hirvensalmi', (int) 27598753 => 'Eurajoki', (int) 27597009 => 'Lahti', (int) 27595451 => 'Nousiainen', (int) 27595882 => 'Karkkila', (int) 27579864 => 'Saltvik', (int) 27596769 => 'Lappeenranta', (int) 27601484 => 'Kuhmoinen', (int) 27602479 => 'Ylivieska', (int) 27602059 => 'Raahe', (int) 27599795 => 'Teuva', (int) 27600320 => 'Alavus', (int) 27599189 => 'Eura', (int) 27596894 => 'Sysmä', (int) 27599859 => 'Karijoki', (int) 27599179 => 'Huittinen', (int) 27597380 => 'Rantasalmi', (int) 27579689 => 'Kökar', (int) 27603172 => 'Pudasjärvi', (int) 27599656 => 'Nokia', (int) 27595189 => 'Pyhäranta', (int) 27604170 => 'Muonio', (int) 27600853 => 'Reisjärvi', (int) 27595129 => 'Somero', (int) 27598793 => 'Pori', (int) 27596032 => 'Vantaa', (int) 27596378 => 'Orimattila', (int) 27597853 => 'Vaasa', (int) 27600918 => 'Kinnula', (int) 27579924 => 'Jomala', (int) 27600978 => 'Kyyjärvi', (int) 27601033 => 'Saarijärvi', (int) 27595732 => 'Porvoo', (int) 27596598 => 'Ypäjä', (int) 27596850 => 'Padasjoki', (int) 27604160 => 'Enontekiö', (int) 27599068 => 'Sastamala', (int) 27602763 => 'Pyhäjoki', (int) 27597672 => 'Kitee', (int) 27595144 => 'Sauvo', (int) 27601814 => 'Kannus', (int) 27598698 => 'Kuopio', (int) 27595396 => 'Aura', (int) 27601313 => 'Äänekoski', (int) 27595702 => 'Sipoo', (int) 27600310 => 'Soini', (int) 27601469 => 'Jämsä', (int) 27604730 => 'Kemi', (int) 27599229 => 'Ikaalinen', (int) 27596358 => 'Virolahti', (int) 27596488 => 'Hämeenlinna', (int) 27604145 => 'Kittilä', (int) 27598873 => 'Kauhajoki', (int) 27598923 => 'Isojoki', (int) 27597247 => 'Pertunmaa', (int) 27597977 => 'Korsnäs', (int) 27601413 => 'Petäjävesi', (int) 27596568 => 'Humppila', (int) 27595519 => 'Rusko', (int) 27596133 => 'Pukkila', (int) 27595907 => 'Lohja', (int) 27603552 => 'Liminka', (int) 27603383 => 'Ii', (int) 27595460 => 'Masku', (int) 27601228 => 'Viitasaari', (int) 27599399 => 'Virrat', (int) 27594620 => 'Lumparland', (int) 27599641 => 'Hämeenkyrö', (int) 27579829 => 'Brändö', (int) 27599585 => 'Pälkäne', (int) 27597420 => 'Nurmes', (int) 27599681 => 'Vesilahti', (int) 27597212 => 'Puumala', (int) 27604555 => 'Tornio', (int) 27601328 => 'Hankasalmi', (int) 27596022 => 'Espoo', (int) 27596113 => 'Raasepori', (int) 27596718 => 'Ruokolahti', (int) 27579769 => 'Föglö', (int) 27603287 => 'Lumijoki', (int) 27597385 => 'Sulkava', (int) 27605740 => 'Siikajoki', (int) 27601952 => 'Toholampi', (int) 27580115 => 'Finström', (int) 27601053 => 'Multia', (int) 27595014 => 'Koski Tl', (int) 27602897 => 'Vaala', (int) 27601526 => 'Tervo', (int) 27596188 => 'Hanko', (int) 27603043 => 'Kuhmo', (int) 27604450 => 'Ylitornio', (int) 27596994 => 'Hollola', (int) 27603231 => 'Ristijärvi', (int) 27603018 => 'Sotkamo', (int) 27580347 => 'Sund', (int) 27579949 => 'Eckerö', (int) 27600098 => 'Kauhava', (int) 27595842 => 'Vihti', (int) 27597787 => 'Luoto', (int) 27604624 => 'Keminmaa', (int) 27594838 => 'Oripää', (int) 27598057 => 'Isokyrö', (int) 27596348 => 'Pyhtää', (int) 27596503 => 'Hattula', (int) 27599610 => 'Lempäälä', (int) 27598728 => 'Rauma', (int) 27599722 => 'Urjala', (int) 27598843 => 'Karvia', (int) 27596098 => 'Inkoo', (int) 27596999 => 'Kärkölä', (int) 27595269 => 'Taivassalo', (int) 27597702 => 'Pietarsaari', (int) 27603932 => 'Posio', (int) 27597637 => 'Outokumpu', (int) 27597677 => 'Rääkkylä', (int) 27597363 => 'Enonkoski', (int) 27601068 => 'Keuruu', (int) 27600993 => 'Karstula', (int) 27600893 => 'Lestijärvi', (int) 27603078 => 'Suomussalmi', (int) 27595952 => 'Mäntsälä', (int) 27603215 => 'Hyrynsalmi', (int) 27601551 => 'Leppävirta', (int) 27604012 => 'Pelkosenniemi', (int) 27599738 => 'Akaa', (int) 27598998 => 'Jämijärvi', (int) 27599424 => 'Ylöjärvi', (int) 27597831 => 'Mustasaari', (int) 27595254 => 'Vehmaa', (int) 27594615 => 'Maarianhamina', (int) 27595239 => 'Laitila', (int) 27599159 => 'Nakkila', (int) 27595997 => 'Kerava', (int) 27602852 => 'Kajaani', (int) 27604125 => 'Kolari', (int) 27602681 => 'Merijärvi', (int) 27603527 => 'Muhos', (int) 27599535 => 'Tampere', (int) 27596779 => 'Imatra', (int) 27599359 => 'Kihniö', (int) 27596178 => 'Lapinjärvi', (int) 27601612 => 'Vieremä', (int) 27599896 => 'Lappajärvi', (int) 27604744 => 'Simo', (int) 27597888 => 'Maalahti', (int) 27599288 => 'Säkylä', (int) 27595164 => 'Kemiönsaari', (int) 27602453 => 'Kärsämäki', (int) 27595802 => 'Hyvinkää', (int) 27599631 => 'Valkeakoski', (int) 27601258 => 'Konnevesi', (int) 27603542 => 'Kempele', (int) 27597500 => 'Lieksa', (int) 27598708 => 'Siilinjärvi', (int) 27579809 => 'Kumlinge', (int) 27598813 => 'Merikarvia', (int) 27603103 => 'Kuusamo', (int) 27603361 => 'Oulu', (int) 27601433 => 'Toivakka', (int) 27601143 => 'Pihtipudas', (int) 27599449 => 'Ruovesi', (int) 27596303 => 'Miehikkälä', (int) 27596083 => 'Siuntio', (int) 27596618 => 'Lemi', (int) 27599545 => 'Juupajoki', (int) 27599785 => 'Ilmajoki', (int) 27597565 => 'Joensuu', (int) 27596338 => 'Kotka', (int) 27598638 => 'Pedersören kunta', (int) 27597585 => 'Polvijärvi', (int) 27601423 => 'Muurame', (int) 27597727 => 'Uusikaarlepyy', (int) 27597757 => 'Vöyri', (int) 27596859 => 'Joutsa', (int) 27596278 => 'Luumäki', (int) 27596323 => 'Hamina', (int) 27601489 => 'Luhanka', (int) 27602877 => 'Paltamo', (int) 27595762 => 'Loviisa', (int) 27597530 => 'Liperi', (int) 27595084 => 'Salo', (int) 27601995 => 'Veteli', (int) 27596533 => 'Riihimäki', (int) 27603982 => 'Savukoski', (int) 27579739 => 'Parainen', (int) 27595009 => 'Marttila' ) $trips = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 122, 'name' => 'Puolanka-Karvia', 'name_en' => '', 'name_se' => '', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Kesäloma-ajelu välillä Puolanka-Karvia. Suunnitelmaan on poimittu kohteita reitin varrelta.', 'description_en' => '', 'description_se' => '', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => '', 'points_string' => '', 'destination' => (int) 500, 'days' => null, 'active' => true, 'username' => 'kari', 'email' => '', 'img_lic' => 'CC BY-SA 4.0 ' ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 121, 'name' => 'Pietarsaaresta Raumalle', 'name_en' => '', 'name_se' => '', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Lapsiperheen kesäajelu Pietarsaaresta Raumalle. Reitin varrelta on poimittu muutamia kohteita, joissa voisi olla kiinnostavaa pysähtyä. Mukana on useita lapsia viihdyttäviä kohteita. ', 'description_en' => '', 'description_se' => '', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => '', 'points_string' => '', 'destination' => (int) 350, 'days' => null, 'active' => true, 'username' => 'kari', 'email' => '', 'img_lic' => '' ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 4452, 'name' => 'Joroisista Tampereelle', 'name_en' => 'From Joroinen to Tampere', 'name_se' => 'Från Jorois till Tammerfors', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Kiinnostavia kohteita ja hyviä ruoka-/kahvipaikkoja ajomatkalla Joroisista Tampereelle (tai päinvastoin). Suunnitelmaa/valikoimaa voi muokata Finterestissä.', 'description_en' => '', 'description_se' => '', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => 'MKFI', 'points_string' => 'p555048_13/08/2024,s147035_13/08/2024,s147094_13/08/2024,p13674_13/08/2024,s130760_13/08/2024,p13677_13/08/2024,p13587_13/08/2024,p207105_13/08/2024,p207159_13/08/2024,p11439_13/08/2024,p11509_13/08/2024,p10411_13/08/2024,p555080_13/08/2024,s146999_13/08/2024,p555059_13/08/2024,p555091_13/08/2024,p13607_13/08/2024,p13906_13/08/2024,s147148_13/08/2024,s147113_13/08/2024,s147158_13/08/2024,p11089_13/08/2024,s136128_13/08/2024,p555093_13/08/2024,p207250_13/08/2024,p206368_13/08/2024,p10051_13/08/2024,s147179_13/08/2024,s137402_13/08/2024,p10844_13/08/2024,p10851_13/08/2024,p13610_13/08/2024,p554902_13/08/2024,p10090_13/08/2024,p10869_13/08/2024,p10885_13/08/2024,p10880_13/08/2024,p207423_13/08/2024,s147064_13/08/2024,p13664_13/08/2024,p206310_13/08/2024,p13657_13/08/2024,s133530_13/08/2024,p565296_13/08/2024', 'destination' => (int) 500, 'days' => (int) 1, 'active' => true, 'username' => 'kari', 'email' => '', 'img_lic' => 'CC0 Waiver' ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 4451, 'name' => 'Raumalta Tampereelle', 'name_en' => 'From Rauma to Tampere', 'name_se' => 'Från Raumo till Tammerfors', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Valikoima kiinnostavia ja hieman omituisiakin kohteita Raumalta Tampereelle ajomatkan varrella.', 'description_en' => 'Interesting and also weird places along the ride from Rauma to Tampere.', 'description_se' => 'Kolla vila intressanta och kanske lite underliga ställen det finns längs rutten från Raumo till Tammerfors.', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => 'Joe K', 'points_string' => 'p14038_13/08/2024,p565396_13/08/2024,p11832_13/08/2024,p10876_13/08/2024,p565398_13/08/2024,p223549_13/08/2024,p14041_13/08/2024,p14042_13/08/2024,s147057_13/08/2024,p13588_13/08/2024,p11621_13/08/2024,e55092_06/07/2024,p555044_13/08/2024,p13597_13/08/2024,p13603_13/08/2024,p14119_13/08/2024,p565296_13/08/2024', 'destination' => (int) 220, 'days' => (int) 1, 'active' => true, 'username' => 'kari', 'email' => '', 'img_lic' => 'CC0 Waiver' ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 123, 'name' => 'Lapsiperheen kesäreissu Naantalista Ähtäriin', 'name_en' => '', 'name_se' => '', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Reitin varrelta on poimittu muutamia lapsiperhettä mahdollisesti kiinnostavia paikkoja', 'description_en' => '', 'description_se' => '', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => 'Logo', 'points_string' => '', 'destination' => (int) 310, 'days' => (int) 1, 'active' => true, 'username' => 'kari', 'email' => '''', 'img_lic' => '' ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 3, 'name' => 'Turku viikonloppumatka', 'name_en' => 'Weekend in Turku', 'name_se' => '', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => '', 'description_en' => 'Trip with the most interesting places in the city. Turku, Finland's oldest city, is a place of art, history and culture believed to have been established in 1229.', 'description_se' => '', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => 'By Markus Koljonen (Dilaudid) (Own work) [<a href="">CC BY-SA 3.0</a>], <a href="">via Wikimedia Commons</a>', 'points_string' => 'p10574_11/12/2018,p10721_11/12/2018,p10980_11/12/2018,p10208_11/12/2018,p11640_11/12/2018,p13957_11/12/2018,p10725_11/12/2018,p12459_11/12/2018,p13956_11/12/2018,p10198_11/12/2018,p13962_11/12/2018,p10334_11/12/2018,', 'destination' => (int) 12, 'days' => (int) 2, 'active' => true, 'username' => null, 'email' => null, 'img_lic' => null ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 1, 'name' => 'Helsinki viikonloppumatka', 'name_en' => 'Helsinki weekend trip', 'name_se' => null, 'name_ru' => null, 'description' => null, 'description_en' => 'Route with the best places to visit in Helsinki. It should fill al yourl weekend with attractions.', 'description_se' => null, 'description_ru' => null, 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => 'By Mikko Paananen <a href="">CC-BY-SA-3.0</a>, <a href="">via Wikimedia Commons</a>', 'points_string' => 'p12201_27/09/2016,p13693_27/09/2016,p13692_27/09/2016,p20021_27/09/2016,p13907_27/09/2016,p10480_27/09/2016,p10650_27/09/2016,p13925_27/09/2016,p13952_27/09/2016,p13933_27/09/2016,p13690_27/09/2016,p13642_27/09/2016,p10337_27/09/2016,p12483_27/09/2016,p13916_27/09/2016,p10503_27/09/2016,p12482_27/09/2016,p12486_27/09/2016,p13922_27/09/2016,p12488_27/09/2016,p10572_27/09/2016,p10613_27/09/2016,p10514_27/09/2016,p13924_27/09/2016,p13955_27/09/2016,p13609_27/09/2016,p10544_27/09/2016,p12487_27/09/2016,p10309_27/09/2016,p12490_27/09/2016,p13926_27/09/2016,p12517_27/09/2016,p13941_27/09/2016,p10639_27/09/2016,p13913_27/09/2016,p12519_27/09/2016,p10332_27/09/2016,p20013_27/09/2016,', 'destination' => (int) 49, 'days' => (int) 2, 'active' => true, 'username' => null, 'email' => null, 'img_lic' => null ) ), (int) 7 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 4, 'name' => 'Vierailla Joulupukin ja Rovaniemen mailla', 'name_en' => 'Visit Santa Claus and Rovaniemi', 'name_se' => '', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Rovaniemen kohteita', 'description_en' => 'Just feel the spirit of the city and meet Santa Claus. If you will be lucky you may see northern lights or experience polar day. If you like being active you should check Ounasvaara hill. You can hike there in summer or try skiing during winter.', 'description_se' => '', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => 'By Own work ( [<a href="">CC BY-SA 3.0</a>], <a href="">via Wikimedia Commons</a>', 'points_string' => 'p11613_11/12/2018,p11421_11/12/2018,p60401_11/12/2018,p13974_11/12/2018,p12954_11/12/2018,p20032_11/12/2018,p20007_11/12/2018', 'destination' => (int) 17, 'days' => (int) 2, 'active' => true, 'username' => null, 'email' => null, 'img_lic' => null ) ), (int) 8 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 2, 'name' => 'Espoo', 'name_en' => '1 day in Espoo', 'name_se' => '', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Espoo-suosituksia', 'description_en' => 'Route with the most interesting sites in Espoo', 'description_se' => '', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => 'JIP at <a href="" class="extiw" title="wikipedia:">English Wikipedia</a> <a href="">CC-BY-SA-3.0</a>, <a href="">via Wikimedia Commons</a>', 'points_string' => 'p13696_11/12/2018,p10649_11/12/2018,p11988_11/12/2018,p11989_11/12/2018,p60159_11/12/2018,p10666_11/12/2018,p10156_11/12/2018,p52792_11/12/2018,', 'destination' => (int) 37, 'days' => (int) 1, 'active' => true, 'username' => null, 'email' => null, 'img_lic' => null ) ), (int) 9 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 5, 'name' => 'Turku', 'name_en' => '', 'name_se' => '', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Turku on kiva kaupunki, varsinkin kesällä. Turussa voi viettää rauhallista, aktiivista tai erittäin railakasta lomaa. Turun sydän on tietenkin jokiranta, josta löytyy lukuisia ravintolalaivoja. Myös Muumimaailma löytyy Turun naapurista, Naantalista. Matkalla Naantaliin on myös Varsinais-Suomen suurin kauppakeskus, Raision Mylly. Mutta miten itse viettäisin viikonlopun Turussa yöelämän lisäksi? Tuomiokirkko on nähtävyys, ja se kannattaa tsekata vaikka vain ulkoapäin. Kirkon portailla saa vaikka hienot selfiet. Jos olet kiinnostunut merellisistä asioista, niin matkalle Turun Linnaan kannattaa poiketa myös Forum Mariumissa. Ja jos sää sallii, Ruissalo on hyvä paikka ulkoiluun, grillaamiseen, uimiseen, minigolffiin tai vaikka leiriytymiseen. Ruissalossa on myös Saarronniemen uimarannan lisäksi koirille oma uimaranta, jossa koirat saa uida ilman hihnaa. Paluumatkalla kannattaa käydä katsomassa Gaian silmää, ei tiedä vaikka saisit yliluonnolisia voimia. Sitten eväät mukaan ja Vartiovuorelle nauttimaan auringosta, tai jos yöaikaan niin tietenkin tähtiä tähtitornista. Seuraavana päivänä päivä voi alkaa urheilemalla Luolavuoren tenniskentällä, Impivaarassa minigolffin parista ja vielä lopuksi Urheilupuistoon ottamaan hikeä frisbeegolffin parissa. Ja koska päivä alkoi liikkumisella, niin vielä Kiipeilypalatsiin kiipeämään seinää pitkin ylös. JokiRaitissa näet Turun Aurajokea ja pääset hieman rauhoittumaan. Matkalla on paljon istumapaikkoja, ja tänne voi ottaa myös vaikka koiran mukaan. Kun ilta lähenee, ja matkaat Hotelli Caribian kylpylään lillumaan ja nauttimaan elämästä, Caribian edustalla löytyy Turun omituisin "taideteos", Posankka. Tämä jättimäinen, vaaleanpunainen possun ja ankan sekoitus tervehtii myös kaikkia Helsingistä päin tulevia. Tälläainen Turku.', 'description_en' => '', 'description_se' => '', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => 'By Markus Koljonen (Dilaudid) (Own work) [<a href="">CC BY-SA 3.0</a>], <a href="">via Wikimedia Commons</a>', 'points_string' => 'p10198_11/12/2018,p10980_11/12/2018,p13579_11/12/2018,p13951_11/12/2018,p13618_11/12/2018,', 'destination' => null, 'days' => (int) 2, 'active' => true, 'username' => null, 'email' => null, 'img_lic' => null ) ), (int) 10 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 118, 'name' => 'Kirkkoja Kanta-Hämeessä', 'name_en' => '', 'name_se' => '', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Kanta-Hämeessä on upeita kirkkoja', 'description_en' => '', 'description_se' => '', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => 'Jisis', 'points_string' => '', 'destination' => null, 'days' => null, 'active' => true, 'username' => 'kari', 'email' => '', 'img_lic' => 'CC BY-SA 4.0' ) ), (int) 11 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 4450, 'name' => 'Tampereelta Jyväskylään', 'name_en' => 'Interesting places between Tampere and Jyvaskyla', 'name_se' => 'Intressanta ställen mellan Tammerfors och Jyväskylä.', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Valikoima kiinnostavia kohteita ajomatkalla Tampereelta Jyväskylään (tai päinvastoin). Valikoima on tehty autolla matkaaville, ja se keskittyy kaupunkien välissä oleviin kohteisiin (kaupunkien sisällä olevia kohteita ei ole otettu mukaan). Suunnitelmaa voi muokata Finterestissä. ', 'description_en' => 'You can edit this plan in Finterest', 'description_se' => 'Kolla vilka intressanta ställen man kan hitta när man kör från Tammerfors till Jyväskylä (eller tvärtom). Du kan editera planen i Finterest. ', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => 'Antti Leppänen', 'points_string' => 'p207655_13/08/2024,p555006_13/08/2024,p183279_13/08/2024,p12135_13/08/2024,p207396_13/08/2024,p207170_13/08/2024,p565457_13/08/2024,p206497_13/08/2024,p10028_13/08/2024,s147065_13/08/2024,p253048_13/08/2024,p207224_13/08/2024', 'destination' => (int) 189, 'days' => (int) 1, 'active' => true, 'username' => 'kari', 'email' => '', 'img_lic' => ''CC BY-SA 3.0' ) ), (int) 12 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 134, 'name' => 'Kuusamosta Helsinkiin, n. viikon loma-ajelu', 'name_en' => '', 'name_se' => '', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Omalta reissulta koottuja kiinnostavia kohteita Kuusamosta Helsinkiin. Tämän pohjalta voi tuunailla oman aktiivisen lomareissun. ', 'description_en' => '', 'description_se' => '', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => 'Motopark', 'points_string' => '', 'destination' => (int) 800, 'days' => (int) 5, 'active' => true, 'username' => 'kari', 'email' => '', 'img_lic' => 'CC0 Waiver' ) ), (int) 13 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 133, 'name' => 'Tampereen keskustan kiinnostavia kohteita', 'name_en' => '', 'name_se' => '', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Tampereella on niin paljon kiinnostavaa tekemistä ja nähtävää, että ohjelmaa on helppo suunnitella omien kiinnostustensa perusteella. Tähän suunnitelmaan on poimittu kiinnostavia paikkoja kaupungin keskustasta. Kohteita on niin paljon, että suunnitelman mukaista tekemistä riittää vähintään kahdeksi päiväksi, esim. tosi aktiiviseksi matkailuviikonlopuksi. ', 'description_en' => '', 'description_se' => '', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => 'Tiia Monto', 'points_string' => '', 'destination' => null, 'days' => (int) 2, 'active' => true, 'username' => 'kari', 'email' => '', 'img_lic' => 'CC BY-SA 3.0' ) ), (int) 14 => array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 28, 'name' => 'Huvi- ja seikkailupuistot', 'name_en' => 'Amusement and adventure parks', 'name_se' => 'Nöjes- och äventyrsparker', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Kokoelma huvi- ja seikkailupuistoja kesällä 2017 ', 'description_en' => 'Collection of amusement and adventure parks in the summer 2017', 'description_se' => 'Samling av nöjes- och äventyrsparker på sommar 2017', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => '<a title="By kallerna (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons" href=""><img width="256" alt="Kirnu" src=""/></a>', 'points_string' => 'p20182_11/12/2018,p20221_11/12/2018,p20143_11/12/2018,p20181_11/12/2018,p20222_11/12/2018,p20141_11/12/2018,p20128_11/12/2018,p20134_11/12/2018,p20136_11/12/2018,p20138_11/12/2018,p20183_11/12/2018,p20174_11/12/2018,p20139_11/12/2018,p20039_11/12/2018,p20117_11/12/2018,p20137_11/12/2018,p20132_11/12/2018,p20135_11/12/2018,p20133_11/12/2018,p20019_11/12/2018,p20023_11/12/2018,p20008_11/12/2018,p20160_11/12/2018,p20027_11/12/2018,p20035_11/12/2018,p20009_11/12/2018,p20024_11/12/2018,p20021_11/12/2018,p20028_11/12/2018,p20044_11/12/2018,p20040_11/12/2018,p20043_11/12/2018,p20011_11/12/2018,p20006_11/12/2018,p20047_11/12/2018,p20042_11/12/2018', 'destination' => null, 'days' => null, 'active' => true, 'username' => 'kari', 'email' => '', 'img_lic' => null ) ) ) $dictionary = array( 'COUNTRY_SHORT' => 'jp', 'COUNTRY_LONG' => '日本語', 'CATEGORY_1_C' => '文化遺産', 'CATEGORY_2_C' => 'キッズ', 'CATEGORY_4_C' => 'スポーツ', 'CATEGORY_5_C' => 'アウトドア', 'CATEGORY_6_C' => '自然', 'REGISTER_C' => '登録', 'CHOOSE_INTEREST_C' => '興味のあるものを選んでください', 'GO_TO_WEBSITE' => 'ウェブサイトへ行く', 'ADD_TO_PLAN_C' => 'プランに追加する', 'FROM_C' => '開始日', 'TO_C' => '終了日', 'TRAVEL_PERIOD' => '旅行期間', 'WHERE_DO_YOU_GO' => 'どこへ行きたいですか?', 'WHERE_AM_I' => '現在地はどこですか?', 'ABOUT_US' => 'Finterestについて', 'USER_GUIDE' => 'ユーザーガイド', 'REPORT_AND_MISSIG_DATA' => 'エラーや欠落データの報告', 'SELECT' => '選択する', 'ALL' => 'すべて', 'NONE' => 'なし', 'YOUTUBE_URL' => '', 'LOGIN_C' => 'ログイン', 'ZOOM_IN_C' => 'ズームインしてさらに表示', 'USERNAME' => 'ユーザー名', 'PASSWORD' => 'パスワード', 'CONFIRM_PASSWORD' => 'パスワードの確認', 'EMAIL' => 'メールアドレス', 'WHY_REGISTER' => 'Finterest アカウントの利点は?', 'OR' => 'または', 'DELETE_FROM_PLAN_C' => 'マイ プランから削除', 'MY_PLAN_C' => 'マイ プラン', 'NOTHING_FOUND' => '何も見つかりませんでした', 'MULTI_ART' => 'マルチアートフェスティバル', 'CLASSICAL_MUSIC' => 'クラシック音楽', 'OPERA_MUSIC' => 'オペラやコーラス', 'CONTEMPORARY_MUSIC' => '現代音楽', 'JAZZ_BLUES' => 'ジャズ/ブルース', 'POP_ROCK' => 'ロック/ポップ', 'FOLK' => '民俗音楽/ワールドミュージック', 'DANCE' => 'ダンス', 'THEATRE_LITERATURE' => '劇場', 'CHILDREN_AND_YOUNG' => '子供と青少年のフェスティバル', 'VISUAL_ART' => '視覚芸術', 'FILM' => '映画', 'NLS' => 'National Land Survey', 'THEMES_C' => 'テーマ', 'DISPLAY' => 'ディスプレイ', 'OPTION_ALL' => 'すべて', 'OPTION_MAX' => '最大', 'SELECT_C' => '選択する', 'CLOSE_C' => '閉じます', 'MY_PLAN' => '自身の旅行プラン', 'FEEDBACK' => 'あなたのフィードバックを送信', 'ADD_EDIT_POINT' => 'ポイントを加算する/編集する', 'LOGOUT_C' => 'ログアウト', 'SELECT_TYPE' => 'タイプを選択する', 'YOUR_NAME' => 'お名前', 'OPINION' => 'ご意見', 'NEW_DATA_SOURCE' => '新しいデータソース', 'COOPERATION_IDEA' => '企業提案 ', 'INCORRECT_DATA' => '間違ったデータ', 'MISSIING_DATA' => '失測データ', 'DESCRIPTION' => '概要', 'POINT_NAME' => 'ポイント名', 'WIND' => 'ウインド', 'SELECT_POINT_C' => 'ポイントを選択する', 'SELECT_THEME' => 'テーマを選択', 'WARN_SELECT_THEME' => 'テーマを選択してください', 'WARN_SELECT_POINT' => 'クリックして、ポイントを選択してください', 'CURRENT_CHOICE' => '現在の選択', 'PLACE_POINT_C' => 'ポイントを配置する', 'WE_CHECK_SUGGESTION' => 'ご意見いただきまして、ありがとうございました。', 'WARN_MARK_PONT' => 'ポイントを配置してください', 'WE_REPLY_SOON' => 'ありがとうございました。すぐにご連絡させていただきます。', 'WARN_NOT_VERIFIED' => 'まだ確認できません', 'WARN_INVALID_USER_PASSWORD' => 'ユーザーネーム、またはパスワードが無効です', 'SHARE_PLAN' => 'プランを共有する', 'ZOOM_TO_FULL' => 'フィンランドにズームする', 'SEND_C' => '送信', 'LR_3000' => 'イベント', 'NAME' => '名前', 'ADD_EVENTS_C' => 'Add an event', 'WARN_CONFIRM_ACCOUNT' => 'アカウントを承認する', 'EMAIL_CONFIRM' => 'ご登録ありがとうございました。このリンクをクリックして、アカウントを承認してください。', 'INFO_USER_SAVED' => 'ユーザーが保存されました。Eメールでアカウントを承認してください。', 'WANR_CHECK_PASSWORDS' => 'パスワードが一致しているか確認してください', 'ADMIN_PANEL' => '管理パネル', 'CHANGE_PASSWORD' => 'パスワードを変更する', 'NEW_PASSWORD' => '新しいパスワード', 'PHOTOGRAPH' => '写真撮影', 'WEIRD_EVENTS' => '奇妙なイベント', 'WEATHER' => '天気', 'TEMPERATURE' => '温度', 'PRESSURE' => '圧力', 'HUMIDITY' => '湿度', 'WARN_INVALID_EMAIL' => '無効なEメール', 'WARN_USERNAME_EXISTS' => 'このユーザー名は既に使用されています。', 'WARN_INVALID_PASSWORD' => '不正なパスワード', 'WARN_MIN_3_CHAR' => '少なくとも3文字を入力してください。', 'OPTIONAL' => 'オプショナル', 'MUSEUM' => '博物館', 'CIRCUS' => 'サーカス', 'SPORT' => 'スポーツの', 'LITERATURE' => '文学', 'DISTANCE' => '距離', 'SHOW_ROUTE' => '表示ルート', 'HIDE' => '隠されました', 'CATEGORY_8_C' => 'サービス', 'CAPTCHA_INCORRECT' => '不正なキャプチャコード値', 'CAPTCHA_RELOAD' => '読めませんか? リロードしてください', 'ADDITIONAL_INFO' => '追加情報', 'SELECT_MAIN_THEME_C' => 'メインテーマを選択してください', 'CAPTCHA_ENTER_CODE' => '上記のセキュリティコードを入力してください', 'EXPLORE_ROUTES' => '計画を立てる', 'SHARE_MAP' => '地図を共有', 'LOAD_C' => '負荷', 'FINTEREST_ABOUT' => ' is a new web service for travellers in Finland. Finterest offers 50 themes of information about the most interesting activities ranging from camping to festivals and sports in one service', 'TYPE' => '種類', 'PREVIEW_DATA_C' => 'PREVIEW DATA', 'ADD_POINT_C' => 'ポイントを追加', 'SET_MAIN_CAT' => 'Set main category', 'CONTACT_EMAIL' => 'Email', 'ACTIVE_COMMERCIAL_VERSION' => 'Start subscription', 'DATES' => 'Dates', 'MODFIED_BEFORE' => 'Modified before', 'DATA_SOURCE' => 'Data source', 'FEEDBACK_C' => 'FEEDBACK', 'EDIT_TRIPS_C' => 'EDIT PLANS', 'PREVIEW_C' => 'PREVIEW', 'TIME' => '時間', 'START_DATE' => '開始日', 'END_DATE' => '終了日', 'OPEN_DATES' => '開始日', 'DELETE_C' => 'DELETE', 'MODIFY_C' => '編集', 'DAYS' => '日', 'FESTIVALS' => 'イベント', 'SELECT_EVENT_THEME_C' => 'SELECT MAIN EVENT THEME', 'ADD_EVENT_C' => 'Add an event', 'ADD_POINTS_C' => 'Add points', 'ABOUT_FINTEREST' => ' is a new web service for travellers in Finland. Finterest offers 50 themes of information about the most interesting activities ranging from camping to festivals and sports in one service', 'MODIFICATION_DATE' => 'Modification date', 'LR_1040' => 'ギャラリー', 'LR_1007' => '文化', 'LR_1008' => '世界遺産', 'LR_1012' => 'アーキテクチャ', 'LR_2003' => 'パドリングプール', 'LR_3001' => '芸術音楽祭', 'LR_4012' => 'テニスコート ホール', 'LR_1002' => '城', 'LR_1003' => '博物館', 'LR_1006' => '建築物', 'LR_1009' => '灯台', 'LR_1010' => '奇妙な場所', 'LR_1011' => '興味深い場所', 'LR_2001' => '動物園', 'LR_2002' => '遊園地', 'LR_2004' => 'アドベンチャーパーク', 'LR_2005' => '遊び場', 'LR_3002' => '音楽イベント', 'LR_3003' => 'ダンスイベント', 'LR_3004' => '映画祭', 'LR_3005' => 'キッズイベント', 'LR_3007' => '奇妙なイベント', 'LR_3008' => '劇場', 'LR_3009' => '芸術', 'LR_3010' => '博物館', 'LR_3011' => 'サーカス', 'LR_3012' => 'スポーツの', 'LR_3013' => '文学', 'LR_3999' => 'イベント', 'LR_4003' => 'ミニゴルフ', 'LR_4004' => 'クライミング', 'LR_4007' => '冬季水泳', 'LR_4009' => 'スパ', 'LR_4001' => 'ゴルフコース', 'LR_4011' => 'スケート場', 'LR_3014' => 'フード', 'LR_3030' => 'その他の', 'LR_4002' => 'フリスビー ゴルフ', 'LR_4005' => '遊泳場', 'LR_4006' => '水泳ホール', 'LR_4008' => 'ジム', 'LR_8015' => 'restaurants', 'LR_8115' => 'Higlighted cafeterias', 'LR_1901' => 'UK', 'LR_5004' => 'キャンプ', 'LR_4020' => 'クロスカントリーのサイクリングルート', 'LR_5008' => 'レクリエーションエリア', 'LR_4014' => 'ボーリング', 'LR_4016' => 'その他スポーツ館', 'LR_4013' => 'クロスカントリースキー', 'LR_5001' => 'サイクリング コース', 'LR_5002' => '観光コース', 'LR_5003' => 'カヌールート', 'LR_5005' => 'バンガロー', 'LR_5006' => 'キャンプ ファイアー場', 'LR_5007' => 'ハイキング エリア', 'LR_6002' => '国立公園', 'LR_6003' => '野生生物公園', 'LR_6004' => '展望台', 'LR_6007' => '散策コース', 'LR_6005' => 'ネイチャー センター', 'LR_7001' => '情報センター', 'LR_8112' => 'ホテル', 'LR_8111' => 'レストラン', 'LR_8501' => 'ベンチ', 'BACK_C' => '<< 戻る', 'GIVE_POINT_NAME' => 'ポイントの名前をつける', 'PREFERENCES_C' => '好み', 'RFP_CAR' => 'レンタカー', 'PREVIOUS' => '前', 'RFP_DETAILS' => 'ニーズをもと詳細に記述してください', 'RFP_TRANSPORT' => '交通', 'IMAGE_SRC' => '画像ソース/ライセンス', 'IMAGE_URL' => '画像のURL(例:WikiCommons)', 'LR_8081' => '他人', 'LR_1052' => '像', 'LR_8061' => 'ガソリンスタンド', 'LR_8004' => 'キャンプ', 'LR_6009' => '自然保護区', 'RFP_SEND' => '提案の依頼を送信します', 'RFP_ACCOMODATION' => '宿泊施設', 'RFP_SERVICES' => 'どんなサービスが必要ですか?', 'RFP_PERSONS' => 'あなたは何人でしょうか?', 'EDIT_C' => '編集', 'RFP_ELSE' => '他に何か', 'RFP_LANGUAGE' => '指導用の言語は?', 'RFP_GUIDE' => '指導', 'PLACES' => '場所', 'RFP_INVALID_AID' => '障害者支援', 'BASIC_INFO' => '基本情報', 'RFP_PHONE' => '電話', 'RFP_TOURS' => 'ツアー(ハイキング、サイクリング、パドリング)', 'NEXT' => '次', 'RFP_SIGHTSEEING' => '観光', 'LOCATION' => '場所', 'OK' => 'はい', 'CLEAR_FORM' => 'フォームを空にします', 'CHANGE_PASSWORD_C' => 'パスワードを変更します', 'DEFAULT_LOCATION_C' => 'デフォルトの場所を選択してください', 'SELECT_THEMES_C' => 'テーマを選択してください', 'IMAGE_DATA' => '画像データ', 'ADDRESS' => '住所', 'EVENT_TYPE' => 'イベントの種類', 'TYPE_S' => '-種類-', 'ADD_MORE_DATES_C' => 'もう1つの時間を追加してください', 'RECURRING_EVENT' => '定期的なイベント', 'SAVE' => '保存', 'DATA_QUALITY_ISSUE' => 'Data quality issue', 'WARN_IMAGE_OWNER' => 'Remember to make sure that the image license allows using it in Finterest.', 'IMAGE_AUTH' => 'Image author', 'IM_THE_AUTHOR' => 'I'm the author', 'GENRE' => 'Genre', 'SORT_BY' => 'Sort by', 'CALENDAR_C' => 'CALENDAR', 'OPEN_CALENDAR_C' => 'OPEN CALENDAR', 'MAPS' => 'Maps', 'MUNICIPALITY' => 'Municipality', 'CLEAR_C' => 'CLEAR', 'LR_1051' => 'ローカルポイント', 'SPACES_AVAILABLE' => 'Spaces available', 'ONLY_MAP_AREA' => 'Only map area', 'NO_GPS_SIGNAL' => 'No GPS signal', 'LR_1053' => '地元の食べ物', 'LR_5013' => '釣り', 'ORGANISATION' => 'Organisation', 'SHARE_WITH_USERS' => 'Share with Finterest users', 'LR_8092' => 'ハスキーやトナカイのサファリ', 'LR_8014' => '食堂', 'LR_6051' => '自然の目的地', 'LR_8008' => '臨時の宿泊施設', 'LR_5014' => '野生動物', 'LR_5012' => 'ボートやセーリング', 'LR_5015' => '乗馬', 'LR_5016' => ''Retkipaikka' からのブログ', 'LR_2006' => '子供のための活動', 'LR_4010' => 'スキーセンター', 'LR_4018' => 'スケートボード', 'LR_8002' => 'ベッド&ブレックファースト', 'LR_4017' => 'モータースポーツの場所', 'LR_7002' => '空港', 'LR_8003' => 'ヴィラ、コテージ、キャンプ', 'LR_8041' => '脱出部屋', 'SEND_REQUEST' => 'リクエストを送ります', 'LR_8093' => '船旅', 'LR_7016' => 'Webカメラ', 'LR_1013' => 'サウナ体験', 'LR_5011' => 'マリーナ', 'CITY_OR_ADDRESS' => 'カウプンキタイカツオサイト', 'LR_8601' => '食品販売所', 'LR_4015' => 'その他のスポーツ分野', 'DAY' => '日', 'BIKES_AVAILABLE' => '自転車が利用可能です', 'KEYWORDS' => 'Keywords', 'LR_4031' => 'アイスホール', 'LR_4036' => 'バレーボールコート', 'WARN_COVID_EVENT' => 'Many events has been cancelled according to COVID-19 situation. Please, check availibility on organizer page.', 'LR_4032' => 'サッカー場', 'LR_4034' => 'バンディフィールド', 'LR_7015' => '道路カメラ', 'LR_4035' => 'バスケットボールのコート', 'LR_8033' => '郵便局', 'LR_4022' => '乗馬ルート', 'LR_4037' => 'フロアボールコート', 'LR_8025' => '薬局', 'LR_4021' => 'フィットネストラック', 'LR_7031' => '病院', 'LR_8016' => 'バー', 'LR_8031' => '銀行', 'LR_7040' => '幼稚園', 'LR_5021' => 'ボートルート', 'LR_1032' => '劇場', 'LR_1023' => '文化センター', 'LR_4023' => 'アイススケートルート', 'LR_4033' => 'フィンランドの野球場', 'LR_8091' => 'ツアーとサファリ', 'LR_8013' => 'Food courts', 'LR_1033' => 'シネマ', 'LR_8032' => 'ATM', 'LR_8602' => '応急処置', 'LR_7033' => 'Nursing homes', 'LR_8021' => '食料品', 'LR_8048' => 'Area for tourists services', 'LR_7057' => 'Recycling', 'LR_8017' => 'ナイトクラブ', 'LR_8012' => 'ファストフード', 'LR_1024' => 'モスク', 'LR_8065' => 'レンタカー', 'LR_8067' => 'ボートのレンタル', 'LR_1031' => '文化センター', 'LR_7003' => '鉄道の駅', 'LR_7004' => 'バス停', 'LR_7058' => 'Waste disposal', 'LR_5022' => 'スノーモービルルート', 'LR_7041' => 'Schools', 'LR_7042' => 'Universities', 'LR_7061' => 'Post office', 'CATEGORY_7_C' => '観光情報', 'CATEGORY_3_C' => 'イベント', 'LR_7071' => 'Administration', 'LR_8066' => '自転車ステーション', 'LR_1061' => 'Egenland', 'LR_7048' => 'ライブラリ', 'LR_7081' => 'カンファレンスセンター', 'LR_1001' => '教会', 'LR_1005' => '岩窟壁画', 'LR_8604' => 'トイレ', 'LR_8605' => '映画館', 'LR_7005' => 'バスターミナル', 'LR_8022' => 'ファームショップ', 'LR_8606' => 'ステージ', 'LR_5031' => 'マウンテンバイクトレイル', 'LR_7006' => 'フェリーターミナル' ) $dictionary_layers = array( (int) 3000 => 'イベント', (int) 1040 => 'ギャラリー', (int) 1007 => '文化', (int) 1008 => '世界遺産', (int) 1012 => 'アーキテクチャ', (int) 2003 => 'パドリングプール', (int) 3001 => '芸術音楽祭', (int) 4012 => 'テニスコート ホール', (int) 1002 => '城', (int) 1003 => '博物館', (int) 1006 => '建築物', (int) 1009 => '灯台', (int) 1010 => '奇妙な場所', (int) 1011 => '興味深い場所', (int) 2001 => '動物園', (int) 2002 => '遊園地', (int) 2004 => 'アドベンチャーパーク', (int) 2005 => '遊び場', (int) 3002 => '音楽イベント', (int) 3003 => 'ダンスイベント', (int) 3004 => '映画祭', (int) 3005 => 'キッズイベント', (int) 3007 => '奇妙なイベント', (int) 3008 => '劇場', (int) 3009 => '芸術', (int) 3010 => '博物館', (int) 3011 => 'サーカス', (int) 3012 => 'スポーツの', (int) 3013 => '文学', (int) 3999 => 'イベント', (int) 4003 => 'ミニゴルフ', (int) 4004 => 'クライミング', (int) 4007 => '冬季水泳', (int) 4009 => 'スパ', (int) 4001 => 'ゴルフコース', (int) 4011 => 'スケート場', (int) 3014 => 'フード', (int) 3030 => 'その他の', (int) 4002 => 'フリスビー ゴルフ', (int) 4005 => '遊泳場', (int) 4006 => '水泳ホール', (int) 4008 => 'ジム', (int) 8015 => 'cafes', (int) 8011 => 'restaurants', (int) 8115 => 'Higlighted cafeterias', (int) 1901 => 'UK', (int) 5004 => 'キャンプ', (int) 4020 => 'クロスカントリーのサイクリングルート', (int) 5008 => 'レクリエーションエリア', (int) 4014 => 'ボーリング', (int) 4016 => 'その他スポーツ館', (int) 4013 => 'クロスカントリースキー', (int) 5001 => 'サイクリング コース', (int) 5002 => '観光コース', (int) 5003 => 'カヌールート', (int) 5005 => 'バンガロー', (int) 5006 => 'キャンプ ファイアー場', (int) 5007 => 'ハイキング エリア', (int) 6002 => '国立公園', (int) 6003 => '野生生物公園', (int) 6004 => '展望台', (int) 6007 => '散策コース', (int) 6005 => 'ネイチャー センター', (int) 7001 => '情報センター', (int) 8112 => 'ホテル', (int) 8111 => 'レストラン', (int) 8501 => 'ベンチ', (int) 8081 => '他人', (int) 1052 => '像', (int) 8061 => 'ガソリンスタンド', (int) 8004 => 'キャンプ', (int) 6009 => '自然保護区', (int) 1051 => 'ローカルポイント', (int) 1053 => '地元の食べ物', (int) 5013 => '釣り', (int) 8092 => 'ハスキーやトナカイのサファリ', (int) 8014 => '食堂', (int) 6051 => '自然の目的地', (int) 8008 => '臨時の宿泊施設', (int) 5014 => '野生動物', (int) 5012 => 'ボートやセーリング', (int) 5015 => '乗馬', (int) 5016 => ''Retkipaikka' からのブログ', (int) 2006 => '子供のための活動', (int) 4010 => 'スキーセンター', (int) 4018 => 'スケートボード', (int) 8002 => 'ベッド&ブレックファースト', (int) 4017 => 'モータースポーツの場所', (int) 7002 => '空港', (int) 8003 => 'ヴィラ、コテージ、キャンプ', (int) 8041 => '脱出部屋', (int) 8093 => '船旅', (int) 7016 => 'Webカメラ', (int) 1013 => 'サウナ体験', (int) 5011 => 'マリーナ', (int) 8601 => '食品販売所', (int) 4015 => 'その他のスポーツ分野', (int) 4031 => 'アイスホール', (int) 4036 => 'バレーボールコート', (int) 4032 => 'サッカー場', (int) 4034 => 'バンディフィールド', (int) 7015 => '道路カメラ', (int) 4035 => 'バスケットボールのコート', (int) 8033 => '郵便局', (int) 4022 => '乗馬ルート', (int) 4037 => 'フロアボールコート', (int) 8025 => '薬局', (int) 4021 => 'フィットネストラック', (int) 7031 => '病院', (int) 8016 => 'バー', (int) 8031 => '銀行', (int) 7040 => '幼稚園', (int) 5021 => 'ボートルート', (int) 1032 => '劇場', (int) 1023 => '文化センター', (int) 4023 => 'アイススケートルート', (int) 4033 => 'フィンランドの野球場', (int) 8091 => 'ツアーとサファリ', (int) 8013 => 'Food courts', (int) 1033 => 'シネマ', (int) 8032 => 'ATM', (int) 8602 => '給水所', (int) 7033 => 'Nursing homes', (int) 8021 => '食料品', (int) 8048 => 'Area for tourists services', (int) 7057 => 'Recycling', (int) 8017 => 'ナイトクラブ', (int) 8012 => 'ファストフード', (int) 1024 => 'モスク', (int) 8065 => 'レンタカー', (int) 8067 => 'ボートのレンタル', (int) 1031 => '文化センター', (int) 7003 => '鉄道の駅', (int) 7004 => 'バス停', (int) 7058 => 'Waste disposal', (int) 5022 => 'スノーモービルルート', (int) 7041 => 'Schools', (int) 7042 => 'Universities', (int) 7061 => 'Post office', (int) 7071 => 'Administration', (int) 8603 => '応急処置', (int) 8066 => '自転車ステーション', (int) 1061 => 'Egenland', (int) 7048 => 'ライブラリ', (int) 7081 => 'カンファレンスセンター', (int) 1001 => '教会', (int) 1005 => '岩窟壁画', (int) 8604 => 'トイレ', (int) 8605 => '映画館', (int) 7005 => 'バスターミナル', (int) 8022 => 'ファームショップ', (int) 8606 => 'ステージ', (int) 5031 => 'マウンテンバイクトレイル', (int) 7006 => 'フェリーターミナル' ) $project = array( 'Project' => array( 'id' => (int) 1000, 'name' => 'finterest', 'the_geom' => '0103000060E70B00000100000005000000243B2FE12C7A1DC1D05D786C2BE74E41000000000000F03F381504FB00D0FA400E1CD244FD445E41000000000000F03F5B7CD71D81813841B447ED624A4A5F41000000000000F03FCCAE06FF192D4A411CF8DDACA1345141000000000000F03F243B2FE12C7A1DC1D05D786C2BE74E41000000000000F03F', 'lat_max' => '36.1', 'lat_min' => '16.1', 'lng_max' => '71.2', 'lng_min' => '59.1', 'about_en' => ' is a new web service for travellers in Finland. Finterest offers 45 themes of information about the most interesting activities ranging from camping to festivals and sports in one service We owe thanks to the following data providers: Metsähallitus National Board of Antiquities Jyväskylä University Finnish Environment Institute Finnish Transport Agency Finnish Lighthouse Society Visit Finland Finnish Museums Association Ismo Luukkonen Linnasta Linnaan Outdoors Finland LinkedEvents Helsinki LinkedEvents Turku LinkedEvents Espoo TavastiaEvents AvoinSatakunta Ticketmaster Ismo Luukkonen (photos) Hannu Asikainen (photos) VisitFinland (photos) Wikipedia (photos) The service has been developed by Paikkatietokonsultit Oy.', 'about_fi' => ' on uusi palvelu Suomessa matkustaville. Sen 50 teemaa tarjoavat kattavat tiedot Suomen kiinnostavimmista paikoista ja tapahtumista. Käytämme mm. seuraavien tiedontuottajien mainiota tietoa: Metsähallitus Museovirasto Jyväskylän yliopisto Suomen ympäristökeskus Suomen majakkaseura ry Museoliitto Linnasta Linnaan Outdoors Finland LinkedEvents Helsinki LinkedEvents Turku LinkedEvents Espoo TavastiaEvents AvoinSatakunta Ticketmaster Ismo Luukkonen (valokuvia) Hannu Asikainen (valokuvia) VisitFinland (valokuvia) Wikipedia Palvelun on kehittänyt Paikkatietokonsultit Oy.', 'about_se' => ' är en ny informationstjänst för den som reser i Finland. 50 olika temor av Finterest innehåller täckande information av de mest intressanta platser och evenemang i Finland. Vi använder data av följande dataproducenter: Forststyrelsen Museiverket Jyväskylä universitet Finlands miljöcentral Trafikverket Finlands fyrsällskap VisitFinland Finlands Museiförbund Outdoors Finland LinkedEvents Helsingfors LinkedEvents Åbo LinkedEvents Esbo TavastiaEvents AvoinSatakunta Ticketmaster Ismo Luukkonen (bilder) Hannu Asikainen (bilder) VisitFinland (bilder) Wikipedia (bilder) Tjänsten är utvecklad av Paikkatietokonsultit Oy.', 'logo' => 'Finterest_logo_blue.png', 'geoserver_workspace' => 'tourist', 'fb_name' => '', 'favicon' => 'Finterest_Star_min.png', 'title' => 'Finterest - guide map of Finland for tourists | architecture, museums, festivals, nature and lots more on one map' ) ) $layers = array( (int) 0 => array( 'id' => (int) 1008, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'worldheritage.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'World_heritage.png', 'name' => '世界遺産' ), (int) 1 => array( 'id' => (int) 1002, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'castle.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-castles.png', 'name' => '城' ), (int) 2 => array( 'id' => (int) 1003, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'museum.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-museum.png', 'name' => '博物館' ), (int) 3 => array( 'id' => (int) 1001, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'church.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon_church.png', 'name' => '教会' ), (int) 4 => array( 'id' => (int) 1031, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'culture.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '文化センター' ), (int) 5 => array( 'id' => (int) 1009, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'lighthouse.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-lighthouses.png', 'name' => '灯台' ), (int) 6 => array( 'id' => (int) 1012, 'type' => (int) 1, 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false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-climbing.png', 'name' => 'クライミング' ), (int) 46 => array( 'id' => (int) 4018, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'skateboard-15.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'スケートボード' ), (int) 47 => array( 'id' => (int) 4017, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'racing.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'モータースポーツの場所' ), (int) 48 => array( 'id' => (int) 4013, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'skiing_cc.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-ski.png', 'name' => 'クロスカントリースキー' ), (int) 49 => array( 'id' => (int) 4011, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'skating.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-ice-skating.png', 'name' => 'スケート場' ), (int) 50 => array( 'id' => (int) 4010, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'ski.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-ski.png', 'name' => 'スキーセンター' ), (int) 51 => array( 'id' => (int) 4015, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'running.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'その他のスポーツ分野' ), (int) 52 => array( 'id' => (int) 4016, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'hall.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'その他スポーツ館' ), (int) 53 => array( 'id' => (int) 5002, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'walk.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => '002-nature-1.png', 'name' => '観光コース' ), (int) 54 => array( 'id' => (int) 5031, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'mtbike.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'マウンテンバイクトレイル' ), (int) 55 => array( 'id' => (int) 5003, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'canoe.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon_canoe_routes.png', 'name' => 'カヌールート' ), (int) 56 => array( 'id' => (int) 5001, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'bicycle.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => (int) 4, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-bike_routes.png', 'name' => 'サイクリング コース' ), (int) 57 => array( 'id' => (int) 5008, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'recreation.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon_recreation_areas.png', 'name' => 'レクリエーションエリア' ), (int) 58 => array( 'id' => (int) 5007, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'signpost.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-hiking_areas.png', 'name' => 'ハイキング エリア' ), (int) 59 => array( 'id' => (int) 5004, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'campsite.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flatico-camping.png', 'name' => 'キャンプ' ), (int) 60 => array( 'id' => (int) 5005, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'hut.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-huts.png', 'name' => 'バンガロー' ), (int) 61 => array( 'id' => (int) 5006, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'fire.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-camp_fire_sites.png', 'name' => 'キャンプ ファイアー場' ), (int) 62 => array( 'id' => (int) 5013, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'fish.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '釣り' ), (int) 63 => array( 'id' => (int) 5011, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'anchor.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'マリーナ' ), (int) 64 => array( 'id' => (int) 5012, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'ferry-15.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ボートやセーリング' ), (int) 65 => array( 'id' => (int) 5015, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'horse-riding-15.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '乗馬' ), (int) 66 => array( 'id' => (int) 5014, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'veterinary-15.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '野生動物' ), (int) 67 => array( 'id' => (int) 5016, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'retkipaikka.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => ''Retkipaikka' からのブログ' ), (int) 68 => array( 'id' => (int) 6002, 'type' => (int) 6, 'icon' => 'naturep.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-natural_park.png', 'name' => '国立公園' ), (int) 69 => array( 'id' => (int) 6007, 'type' => (int) 6, 'icon' => 'walk.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => (int) 5, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '散策コース' ), (int) 70 => array( 'id' => (int) 6005, 'type' => (int) 6, 'icon' => 'flower.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-nature_centers.png', 'name' => 'ネイチャー センター' ), (int) 71 => array( 'id' => (int) 6004, 'type' => (int) 6, 'icon' => 'tower.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-observation_towers.png', 'name' => '展望台' ), (int) 72 => array( 'id' => (int) 6051, 'type' => (int) 6, 'icon' => 'flower-black-shape.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '自然の目的地' ), (int) 73 => array( 'id' => (int) 7003, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'rail-15.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '鉄道の駅' ), (int) 74 => array( 'id' => (int) 7004, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'bus.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'バス停' ), (int) 75 => array( 'id' => (int) 7002, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'airplane.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '空港' ), (int) 76 => array( 'id' => (int) 7005, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'bus-side-view.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'バスターミナル' ), (int) 77 => array( 'id' => (int) 7006, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'ferry-15.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'フェリーターミナル' ), (int) 78 => array( 'id' => (int) 7001, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'info.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '情報センター' ), (int) 79 => array( 'id' => (int) 7015, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'camera_road.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '道路カメラ' ), (int) 80 => array( 'id' => (int) 7016, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'camera.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'Webカメラ' ), (int) 81 => array( 'id' => (int) 7031, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'red_cross.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '病院' ), (int) 82 => array( 'id' => (int) 7061, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'post.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'Post office' ), (int) 83 => array( 'id' => (int) 7048, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'library.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ライブラリ' ), (int) 84 => array( 'id' => (int) 7042, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'college-15.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'Universities' ), (int) 85 => array( 'id' => (int) 7040, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'baby2.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '幼稚園' ), (int) 86 => array( 'id' => (int) 7041, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'school-icon.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'Schools' ), (int) 87 => array( 'id' => (int) 7081, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'presentation.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'カンファレンスセンター' ), (int) 88 => array( 'id' => (int) 7057, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'recycle-icon.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'Recycling' ), (int) 89 => array( 'id' => (int) 8112, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'hotel.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ホテル' ), (int) 90 => array( 'id' => (int) 8004, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'camping.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-camping.png', 'name' => 'キャンプ' ), (int) 91 => array( 'id' => (int) 8022, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'farmshop.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ファームショップ' ), (int) 92 => array( 'id' => (int) 8025, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'pharmacy-15.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '薬局' ), (int) 93 => array( 'id' => (int) 8041, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'ghost.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-adventure_park.png', 'name' => '脱出部屋' ), (int) 94 => array( 'id' => (int) 8501, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'bench.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ベンチ' ), (int) 95 => array( 'id' => (int) 8601, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'restaurant.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '食品販売所' ), (int) 96 => array( 'id' => (int) 8602, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'drop.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '給水所' ), (int) 97 => array( 'id' => (int) 8603, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'hospital.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '応急処置' ), (int) 98 => array( 'id' => (int) 8604, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'bathroom.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'トイレ' ), (int) 99 => array( 'id' => (int) 8605, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'cinema.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '映画館' ), (int) 100 => array( 'id' => (int) 8606, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'stage.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ステージ' ), (int) 101 => array( 'id' => (int) 8066, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'rental-bicycle-14.svg', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '自転車ステーション' ), (int) 102 => array( 'id' => (int) 8111, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'restaurant.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'レストラン' ), (int) 103 => array( 'id' => (int) 8115, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'coffee-cup.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-coffee-cup.png', 'name' => 'Higlighted cafeterias' ) ) $page = 'home' $subpage = null $title_for_layout = 'Home' $layer = array( (int) 0 => array(), (int) 1 => array( (int) 0 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 7 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 8 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 9 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 10 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 11 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 12 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 13 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 14 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 15 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 16 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), (int) 2 => array( (int) 0 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), (int) 3 => array( (int) 0 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 7 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 8 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 9 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 10 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 11 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 12 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 13 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 14 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), (int) 4 => array( (int) 0 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 7 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 8 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 9 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 10 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 11 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 12 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 13 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 14 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 15 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 16 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 17 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 18 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 19 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), (int) 5 => array( (int) 0 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 7 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 8 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 9 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 10 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 11 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 12 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 13 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 14 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 15 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 16 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), (int) 6 => array( (int) 0 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), (int) 7 => array( (int) 0 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 7 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 8 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 9 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 10 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 11 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 12 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 13 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 14 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 15 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ), (int) 8 => array( (int) 0 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 4 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 5 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 6 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 7 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 8 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 9 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 10 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 11 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 12 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 13 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 14 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ), (int) 15 => array( 'layer' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) ) ) $options = array( (int) 0 => '-- テーマを選択 --', '文化遺産' => array( (int) 1008 => '世界遺産', (int) 1002 => '城', (int) 1003 => '博物館', (int) 1001 => '教会', (int) 1031 => '文化センター', (int) 1009 => '灯台', (int) 1012 => 'アーキテクチャ', (int) 1040 => 'ギャラリー', (int) 1011 => '興味深い場所', (int) 1010 => '奇妙な場所', (int) 1007 => '文化', (int) 1005 => '岩窟壁画', (int) 1013 => 'サウナ体験', (int) 1061 => 'Egenland', (int) 1051 => 'ローカルポイント', (int) 1052 => '像', (int) 1053 => '地元の食べ物' ), 'キッズ' => array( (int) 2001 => '動物園', (int) 2002 => '遊園地', (int) 2004 => 'アドベンチャーパーク', (int) 2006 => '子供のための活動' ), 'イベント' => array( (int) 3000 => 'イベント', (int) 3001 => '芸術音楽祭', (int) 3002 => '音楽イベント', (int) 3003 => 'ダンスイベント', (int) 3004 => '映画祭', (int) 3010 => '博物館', (int) 3008 => '劇場', (int) 3005 => 'キッズイベント', (int) 3009 => '芸術', (int) 3013 => '文学', (int) 3011 => 'サーカス', (int) 3007 => '奇妙なイベント', (int) 3012 => 'スポーツの', (int) 3014 => 'フード', (int) 3030 => 'その他の' ), 'スポーツ' => array( (int) 4012 => 'テニスコート ホール', (int) 4001 => 'ゴルフコース', (int) 4003 => 'ミニゴルフ', (int) 4002 => 'フリスビー ゴルフ', (int) 4006 => '水泳ホール', (int) 4005 => '遊泳場', (int) 4008 => 'ジム', (int) 4014 => 'ボーリング', (int) 4009 => 'スパ', (int) 4004 => 'クライミング', (int) 4018 => 'スケートボード', (int) 4017 => 'モータースポーツの場所', (int) 4013 => 'クロスカントリースキー', (int) 4011 => 'スケート場', (int) 4010 => 'スキーセンター', (int) 4015 => 'その他のスポーツ分野', (int) 4016 => 'その他スポーツ館' ), 'アウトドア' => array( (int) 5002 => '観光コース', (int) 5031 => 'マウンテンバイクトレイル', (int) 5003 => 'カヌールート', (int) 5001 => 'サイクリング コース', (int) 5008 => 'レクリエーションエリア', (int) 5007 => 'ハイキング エリア', (int) 5004 => 'キャンプ', (int) 5005 => 'バンガロー', (int) 5006 => 'キャンプ ファイアー場', (int) 5013 => '釣り', (int) 5011 => 'マリーナ', (int) 5012 => 'ボートやセーリング', (int) 5015 => '乗馬', (int) 5014 => '野生動物', (int) 5016 => ''Retkipaikka' からのブログ' ), '自然' => array( (int) 6002 => '国立公園', (int) 6007 => '散策コース', (int) 6005 => 'ネイチャー センター', (int) 6004 => '展望台', (int) 6051 => '自然の目的地' ), 'サービス' => array( (int) 8112 => 'ホテル', (int) 8004 => 'キャンプ', (int) 8022 => 'ファームショップ', (int) 8025 => '薬局', (int) 8041 => '脱出部屋', (int) 8501 => 'ベンチ', (int) 8601 => '食品販売所', (int) 8602 => '給水所', (int) 8603 => '応急処置', (int) 8604 => 'トイレ', (int) 8605 => '映画館', (int) 8606 => 'ステージ', (int) 8066 => '自転車ステーション', (int) 8111 => 'レストラン', (int) 8115 => 'Higlighted cafeterias' ), '観光情報' => array( (int) 7003 => '鉄道の駅', (int) 7004 => 'バス停', (int) 7002 => '空港', (int) 7005 => 'バスターミナル', (int) 7006 => 'フェリーターミナル', (int) 7001 => '情報センター', (int) 7015 => '道路カメラ', (int) 7016 => 'Webカメラ', (int) 7031 => '病院', (int) 7061 => 'Post office', (int) 7048 => 'ライブラリ', (int) 7042 => 'Universities', (int) 7040 => '幼稚園', (int) 7041 => 'Schools', (int) 7081 => 'カンファレンスセンター', (int) 7057 => 'Recycling' ) ) $tmp = array( (int) 0 => array( 'id' => (int) 1008, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'worldheritage.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'World_heritage.png', 'name' => '世界遺産' ), (int) 1 => array( 'id' => (int) 1002, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'castle.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-castles.png', 'name' => '城' ), (int) 2 => array( 'id' => (int) 1003, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'museum.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-museum.png', 'name' => '博物館' ), (int) 3 => array( 'id' => (int) 1001, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'church.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon_church.png', 'name' => '教会' ), (int) 4 => array( 'id' => (int) 1031, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'culture.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '文化センター' ), (int) 5 => array( 'id' => (int) 1009, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'lighthouse.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-lighthouses.png', 'name' => '灯台' ), (int) 6 => array( 'id' => (int) 1012, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'arch.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-architecture.png', 'name' => 'アーキテクチャ' ), (int) 7 => array( 'id' => (int) 1040, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'paintbrush.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ギャラリー' ), (int) 8 => array( 'id' => (int) 1011, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'interestingplace.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon_interesting_place.png', 'name' => '興味深い場所' ), (int) 9 => array( 'id' => (int) 1010, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'finland.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-weird_places.png', 'name' => '奇妙な場所' ), (int) 10 => array( 'id' => (int) 1007, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'build.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-cultural_environments.png', 'name' => '文化' ), (int) 11 => array( 'id' => (int) 1005, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'archeo.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon_cave.png', 'name' => '岩窟壁画' ), (int) 12 => array( 'id' => (int) 1013, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'sauna.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'サウナ体験' ), (int) 13 => array( 'id' => (int) 1061, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'egenland.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'Egenland' ), (int) 14 => array( 'id' => (int) 1051, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'sprt.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ローカルポイント' ), (int) 15 => array( 'id' => (int) 1052, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'sculpture.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '像' ), (int) 16 => array( 'id' => (int) 1053, 'type' => (int) 1, 'icon' => 'tea-cup.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '地元の食べ物' ), (int) 17 => array( 'id' => (int) 2001, 'type' => (int) 2, 'icon' => 'zoo.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'peacock.jpg', 'name' => '動物園' ), (int) 18 => array( 'id' => (int) 2002, 'type' => (int) 2, 'icon' => 'amu.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-amusement_parks.png', 'name' => '遊園地' ), (int) 19 => array( 'id' => (int) 2004, 'type' => (int) 2, 'icon' => 'roller-coaster.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => (int) 4, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-adventure_park.png', 'name' => 'アドベンチャーパーク' ), (int) 20 => array( 'id' => (int) 2006, 'type' => (int) 2, 'icon' => 'balloons.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '子供のための活動' ), (int) 21 => array( 'id' => (int) 3000, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'info.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'イベント' ), (int) 22 => array( 'id' => (int) 3001, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'arcm.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-arc_music_festival.png', 'name' => '芸術音楽祭' ), (int) 23 => array( 'id' => (int) 3002, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'music.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-rock_festival.png', 'name' => '音楽イベント' ), (int) 24 => array( 'id' => (int) 3003, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'dance.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon_dance.png', 'name' => 'ダンスイベント' ), (int) 25 => array( 'id' => (int) 3004, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'movie.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-movie.png', 'name' => '映画祭' ), (int) 26 => array( 'id' => (int) 3010, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'museum.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-museum.png', 'name' => '博物館' ), (int) 27 => array( 'id' => (int) 3008, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'theatre.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-theater.png', 'name' => '劇場' ), (int) 28 => array( 'id' => (int) 3005, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'amusement.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => (int) 2, 'alternative_image' => 'KidsEvent.png', 'name' => 'キッズイベント' ), (int) 29 => array( 'id' => (int) 3009, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'art.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'art_exhibition.jpg', 'name' => '芸術' ), (int) 30 => array( 'id' => (int) 3013, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'literature.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon_literature.png', 'name' => '文学' ), (int) 31 => array( 'id' => (int) 3011, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'circus.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-circus.png', 'name' => 'サーカス' ), (int) 32 => array( 'id' => (int) 3007, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'finland.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-weird_places.png', 'name' => '奇妙なイベント' ), (int) 33 => array( 'id' => (int) 3012, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'sprt.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => (int) 4, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-sports.png', 'name' => 'スポーツの' ), (int) 34 => array( 'id' => (int) 3014, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'restaurant.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'フード' ), (int) 35 => array( 'id' => (int) 3030, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'network.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'その他の' ), (int) 36 => array( 'id' => (int) 4012, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'tennis.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-tennis.png', 'name' => 'テニスコート ホール' ), (int) 37 => array( 'id' => (int) 4001, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'golf.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-golf.png', 'name' => 'ゴルフコース' ), (int) 38 => array( 'id' => (int) 4003, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'mgolf.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'minigolf_pixabay_CC0.png', 'name' => 'ミニゴルフ' ), (int) 39 => array( 'id' => (int) 4002, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'frisbee.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-disc_golf.png', 'name' => 'フリスビー ゴルフ' ), (int) 40 => array( 'id' => (int) 4006, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'swimh.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-swimming_hall.png', 'name' => '水泳ホール' ), (int) 41 => array( 'id' => (int) 4005, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'swim.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => (int) 5, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-swimming_place.png', 'name' => '遊泳場' ), (int) 42 => array( 'id' => (int) 4008, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'gym.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-gym.png', 'name' => 'ジム' ), (int) 43 => array( 'id' => (int) 4014, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'bowling.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'bowling.png', 'name' => 'ボーリング' ), (int) 44 => array( 'id' => (int) 4009, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'spa.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => (int) 8, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-spa.png', 'name' => 'スパ' ), (int) 45 => array( 'id' => (int) 4004, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'climb.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-climbing.png', 'name' => 'クライミング' ), (int) 46 => array( 'id' => (int) 4018, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'skateboard-15.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'スケートボード' ), (int) 47 => array( 'id' => (int) 4017, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'racing.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'モータースポーツの場所' ), (int) 48 => array( 'id' => (int) 4013, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'skiing_cc.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-ski.png', 'name' => 'クロスカントリースキー' ), (int) 49 => array( 'id' => (int) 4011, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'skating.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-ice-skating.png', 'name' => 'スケート場' ), (int) 50 => array( 'id' => (int) 4010, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'ski.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-ski.png', 'name' => 'スキーセンター' ), (int) 51 => array( 'id' => (int) 4015, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'running.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'その他のスポーツ分野' ), (int) 52 => array( 'id' => (int) 4016, 'type' => (int) 4, 'icon' => 'hall.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'その他スポーツ館' ), (int) 53 => array( 'id' => (int) 5002, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'walk.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => '002-nature-1.png', 'name' => '観光コース' ), (int) 54 => array( 'id' => (int) 5031, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'mtbike.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'マウンテンバイクトレイル' ), (int) 55 => array( 'id' => (int) 5003, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'canoe.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon_canoe_routes.png', 'name' => 'カヌールート' ), (int) 56 => array( 'id' => (int) 5001, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'bicycle.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => (int) 4, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-bike_routes.png', 'name' => 'サイクリング コース' ), (int) 57 => array( 'id' => (int) 5008, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'recreation.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon_recreation_areas.png', 'name' => 'レクリエーションエリア' ), (int) 58 => array( 'id' => (int) 5007, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'signpost.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-hiking_areas.png', 'name' => 'ハイキング エリア' ), (int) 59 => array( 'id' => (int) 5004, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'campsite.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flatico-camping.png', 'name' => 'キャンプ' ), (int) 60 => array( 'id' => (int) 5005, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'hut.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-huts.png', 'name' => 'バンガロー' ), (int) 61 => array( 'id' => (int) 5006, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'fire.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-camp_fire_sites.png', 'name' => 'キャンプ ファイアー場' ), (int) 62 => array( 'id' => (int) 5013, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'fish.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '釣り' ), (int) 63 => array( 'id' => (int) 5011, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'anchor.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'マリーナ' ), (int) 64 => array( 'id' => (int) 5012, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'ferry-15.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ボートやセーリング' ), (int) 65 => array( 'id' => (int) 5015, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'horse-riding-15.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '乗馬' ), (int) 66 => array( 'id' => (int) 5014, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'veterinary-15.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '野生動物' ), (int) 67 => array( 'id' => (int) 5016, 'type' => (int) 5, 'icon' => 'retkipaikka.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => ''Retkipaikka' からのブログ' ), (int) 68 => array( 'id' => (int) 6002, 'type' => (int) 6, 'icon' => 'naturep.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-natural_park.png', 'name' => '国立公園' ), (int) 69 => array( 'id' => (int) 6007, 'type' => (int) 6, 'icon' => 'walk.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => (int) 5, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '散策コース' ), (int) 70 => array( 'id' => (int) 6005, 'type' => (int) 6, 'icon' => 'flower.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-nature_centers.png', 'name' => 'ネイチャー センター' ), (int) 71 => array( 'id' => (int) 6004, 'type' => (int) 6, 'icon' => 'tower.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-observation_towers.png', 'name' => '展望台' ), (int) 72 => array( 'id' => (int) 6051, 'type' => (int) 6, 'icon' => 'flower-black-shape.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '自然の目的地' ), (int) 73 => array( 'id' => (int) 7003, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'rail-15.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '鉄道の駅' ), (int) 74 => array( 'id' => (int) 7004, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'bus.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'バス停' ), (int) 75 => array( 'id' => (int) 7002, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'airplane.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '空港' ), (int) 76 => array( 'id' => (int) 7005, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'bus-side-view.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'バスターミナル' ), (int) 77 => array( 'id' => (int) 7006, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'ferry-15.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'フェリーターミナル' ), (int) 78 => array( 'id' => (int) 7001, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'info.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '情報センター' ), (int) 79 => array( 'id' => (int) 7015, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'camera_road.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '道路カメラ' ), (int) 80 => array( 'id' => (int) 7016, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'camera.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'Webカメラ' ), (int) 81 => array( 'id' => (int) 7031, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'red_cross.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '病院' ), (int) 82 => array( 'id' => (int) 7061, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'post.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'Post office' ), (int) 83 => array( 'id' => (int) 7048, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'library.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ライブラリ' ), (int) 84 => array( 'id' => (int) 7042, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'college-15.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'Universities' ), (int) 85 => array( 'id' => (int) 7040, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'baby2.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '幼稚園' ), (int) 86 => array( 'id' => (int) 7041, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'school-icon.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'Schools' ), (int) 87 => array( 'id' => (int) 7081, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'presentation.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'カンファレンスセンター' ), (int) 88 => array( 'id' => (int) 7057, 'type' => (int) 7, 'icon' => 'recycle-icon.png', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'Recycling' ), (int) 89 => array( 'id' => (int) 8112, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'hotel.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ホテル' ), (int) 90 => array( 'id' => (int) 8004, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'camping.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-camping.png', 'name' => 'キャンプ' ), (int) 91 => array( 'id' => (int) 8022, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'farmshop.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ファームショップ' ), (int) 92 => array( 'id' => (int) 8025, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'pharmacy-15.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '薬局' ), (int) 93 => array( 'id' => (int) 8041, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'ghost.png', 'dates' => true, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-adventure_park.png', 'name' => '脱出部屋' ), (int) 94 => array( 'id' => (int) 8501, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'bench.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ベンチ' ), (int) 95 => array( 'id' => (int) 8601, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'restaurant.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '食品販売所' ), (int) 96 => array( 'id' => (int) 8602, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'drop.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '給水所' ), (int) 97 => array( 'id' => (int) 8603, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'hospital.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '応急処置' ), (int) 98 => array( 'id' => (int) 8604, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'bathroom.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'トイレ' ), (int) 99 => array( 'id' => (int) 8605, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'cinema.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '映画館' ), (int) 100 => array( 'id' => (int) 8606, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'stage.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'ステージ' ), (int) 101 => array( 'id' => (int) 8066, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'rental-bicycle-14.svg', 'dates' => null, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => '自転車ステーション' ), (int) 102 => array( 'id' => (int) 8111, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'restaurant.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'レストラン' ), (int) 103 => array( 'id' => (int) 8115, 'type' => (int) 8, 'icon' => 'coffee-cup.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => 'flaticon-coffee-cup.png', 'name' => 'Higlighted cafeterias' ) ) $lr = array( 'layer' => array( 'id' => (int) 3030, 'type' => (int) 3, 'icon' => 'network.png', 'dates' => false, 'country' => true, 'type_opt' => null, 'alternative_image' => null, 'name' => 'その他の' ) ) $region = 'Marttila' $x = (int) 9 $trip = array( 'Trip' => array( 'id' => (int) 28, 'name' => 'Huvi- ja seikkailupuistot', 'name_en' => 'Amusement and adventure parks', 'name_se' => 'Nöjes- och äventyrsparker', 'name_ru' => '', 'description' => 'Kokoelma huvi- ja seikkailupuistoja kesällä 2017 ', 'description_en' => 'Collection of amusement and adventure parks in the summer 2017', 'description_se' => 'Samling av nöjes- och äventyrsparker på sommar 2017', 'description_ru' => '', 'img_url' => '', 'img_auth' => '<a title="By kallerna (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons" href=""><img width="256" alt="Kirnu" src=""/></a>', 'points_string' => 'p20182_11/12/2018,p20221_11/12/2018,p20143_11/12/2018,p20181_11/12/2018,p20222_11/12/2018,p20141_11/12/2018,p20128_11/12/2018,p20134_11/12/2018,p20136_11/12/2018,p20138_11/12/2018,p20183_11/12/2018,p20174_11/12/2018,p20139_11/12/2018,p20039_11/12/2018,p20117_11/12/2018,p20137_11/12/2018,p20132_11/12/2018,p20135_11/12/2018,p20133_11/12/2018,p20019_11/12/2018,p20023_11/12/2018,p20008_11/12/2018,p20160_11/12/2018,p20027_11/12/2018,p20035_11/12/2018,p20009_11/12/2018,p20024_11/12/2018,p20021_11/12/2018,p20028_11/12/2018,p20044_11/12/2018,p20040_11/12/2018,p20043_11/12/2018,p20011_11/12/2018,p20006_11/12/2018,p20047_11/12/2018,p20042_11/12/2018', 'destination' => null, 'days' => null, 'active' => true, 'username' => 'kari', 'email' => '', 'img_lic' => null ) ) $name = 'Amusement and adventure parks' $description = 'Collection of amusement and adventure parks in the summer 2017' $data = '$("#FeedbackSendForm").serialize()' $lang_options = array( 'finnish' => 'Suomi', 'swedish' => 'Svenska', 'english' => 'English', 'russian' => 'Русский', 'german' => 'Deutsch', 'french' => 'Français' ) $lang_proj = 'en'include - APP/View/Pages/home.ctp, line 690 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 948 View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 910 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 471 Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 954 PagesController::display() - APP/Controller/PagesController.php, line 93 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 490 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 191 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 165 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 108